Chapter thirty-one

Start from the beginning

“Well you never called.” He said as if showing up at people’s houses was totally normal. “I figured we could hang out?”

“Well at the moment I’m actually shopping.” I said as an excuse.

“At your house?” He said raising an eyebrow.

“Online shopping.”

“For?” He said still trying to continue our conversation.

I sighed. “A new place to stay.”

A look of concern actually crossed his features. He had black hair with hazel eyes that practically screamed rock star. “Why? What’s wrong with this place?” He asked while gesturing around.

“I’m not really getting along with my dad a whole lot.” I said trying to be vague.

“Found a place yet?” He asked.

“There were two apartments that I’m considering.”

“Are they cheap?”

“Not at all.” I laughed.

“What if I can help?” He asked dead serious. “I have a friend looking for a roommate and she’s only charging five hundred a month.”

“Is it a small crappy one bedroom apartment?”

“No actually it’s a normal house, with three bathrooms and four bedrooms.”

I raised my eyebrows nodding. “That actually sounds really nice.”

“Do you want her contact information?”

“That would be wonderful.”

After he gave me his friends contact information I invited him in for pizza.

“So tell me cheerleader things.” He said grinning before taking a bite of pizza.

“Oh you know cute outfits, cheering crowds, dancing, injuries ect.”

“Injuries?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Two concussions, a broken pinky, a sprained ankle and countless bruises.” I said nodding.

“Sounds dangerous.” He said in an almost mocking tone.

“Because being a rock star is so hard.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.

“Countless sore throats, adoring fans, bruises, and humiliation.”


“Last summer I fell off the stage…it was all over fan pages and Tumblr and Facebook.”

“Your life sounds so hard.” I said with heavy sarcasm.

“It really is.”


The next morning I was across town at the house that Zane’s friend Hailey lived in.

“Hey.” She said smiling as she opened the door.

“Hi.” I said as she let me inside.

Hailey had blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders with light highlights in it. She had blue-grey eyes, and sun kissed skin. She had on skinny jeans with black converse, a graphic t-shirt and a skater hat that was tilted slightly to the side.

“So this is the house.” She said gesturing around.

It was actually pretty huge and it wasn’t messy at all. “No one else lives here?” I asked.

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