Chapter 3 : Horror storries (part 2)

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When we left. I decided to bring them to our new nipa hut to continue our story session there, I let them find their own places so that they can get comfortable while listening. "Tell us sis! Cmon!" Said Ray while jumping up and down, "okay but I want everybody to keep quiet now okay?" I ask them and luckily they nodded...

"Once upon a time... There was a nurse who got pregnant by accident, she was still young so she decided to get an abortion for it." I started my story and they all listened very carefully, I was holding back my laugh and I thought that if only I could take a picture, cause they are looking at me wide eyed and the air was really tensioning it if that is even a word.... So I continued

"Then after 4 years...." I stopped cause Biboy that's what I call him but his real name is billy came and sat down in the opposite side to listen, then his friend came too.. I ignored them and continued it.
"She already have a family, she has 2 kids and a loving husband. But she never even told her husband about her darkest past...." Is slowly stood up, then continued backing then they whined and yelled "pls continue!" And I sighed....

"So.. When she woke up, she felt uncomfortable and she heard someone whisper I. Her ear....'mommy... I'm 5 steps behind you..." I said while making my scariest face.
"Then what happened next?" John and Ray said in unison while shaking a little, I giggled a bit and continued.

"Then.... When she was working at the mental hospital, she visited her patient who has been locked up for years because of its violence... So she slowly entered the patients cell and closed it gently, there she saw her patient on the bed with chains In his hands and in his foot.. She walked to where the food is to feed the old man, when suddenly the old man starts laughing hysterically, she didn't expect the old man to say..'mommy... I'm for steps behinds you'" jacky and shaine ran to me and hugged me while squeezing me to death....

"Uhh.... G-guys?? I can't continue my story if your hugging me like you-you're life de-depended on it..." I said trying not to choke but failed miserably... "Then don't continue it!" Shaine said "yeah! We don't like it anymore!" Jacky added... When they both realeased me I struggled to get air... Hey I'm not overreacting or something.... I saw Billy from the corner of my eyes laughing with his friend and I gave them a death glare...

"Ha-ha! It's not funny when you try it..." I to.d them sarcastically.. "Well it is for us!" He said.. Ouch... That hurt.. Well not really... Ok just ignore them, I thought to myself.

"Then she ran out of the room and took the stairs instead of the elevator" I said intensely.... "She ran and ran and ran but... The flight of stairs was not going to end anytime soon! She slowly backed up the stairs, but she was pushed and down she came with a bloody forehead and nose... Then, she felt someone behind her.... And it whispered in a small voice that is near a baby voice...'mommy... I'm 3 steps behind you' she panicked so she got up so fast and ran into different directions." I inhaled deeply to get air...

"So she touched blindly in the dark hoping that she could find something there to defend herself. While she was blindly finding she heard a voice 'mommy?' It said to her. She recognized the voice and ran to it and hugged her daughter like her life depended on it. While she was hugging her daughter she looked up and then she pushed her away! 'You're not my daughter' she whispered quietly cause when she looked up to see the face of her daughter and she saw her daughter's eyes were not there, and her cheeks were cut reaching to her eyes that results to smiling widely and creepily.. She backed up and felt something with her hands, she took it and charged for the impostor and smashed the head....

While she was doing that she was laughing frantically and continued doing it..." I stopped cause the guys from earlier who interrupted us came into the hut and sat down "what are you doing here?" I asked "just continue the story!" "Hey get out!" And "your going to ruin our story again!" We're the words the little children were saying and it resulted to a noisy room... And that's not a good sign....

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