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It's not like Daniel didn't want to come out to his parents. He wanted to, especially after his talk with Max but he didn't want it to happen like this.

It was stupid to leave his phone on the table while going to check the cars with his dad. He was in the garage for over an hour when he returned to the kitchen, where his mom was waiting for him.

She eyed him curiously. "Do you have something to tell us?" Grace asked.

Daniel frowned. He obviously had no idea what his mom was talking about. Although he couldn't help but feel worried. Had his sister accidentally blurt something out about Max?

Grace suddenly held up Daniel's phone and turned it on. "Hi honey, text me when you can call." She read out loud.

Daniel's breath caught in his throat.

"It's from a Maxy." She looked up at Dan, "With a red heart." She raised her eyebrows, silently telling Daniel to explain what was going on, and who Max was.

Grace sighed. "Dan, sit down."

Daniel nodded and silently sat down next to his mom. He put his hands on the table and stared in front of him at the white wall. He wasn't sure how to even start this conversation. What was he supposed to say?

He could feel his mom shift next to him. "Daniel." He ignored her. She was probably gonna kill him if he told her he liked boys. He knew she wanted him to continue the legacy of the Ricciardo name.

Maybe he should just blurt everything out. His mom couldn't be that mad at him, right?

After what seemed like hours he finally looked at his mom. She looked worried about him, but not frustrated at all. "Mom I-."

"Honey," She started, taking his hand. "He's your boyfriend, isn't he?"

Daniel swallowed the lump in his throat. "Yeah."

Grace smiled. "That's amazing Daniel!" She commented before pulling him into a tight hug. "Tell me everything about your boyfriend. What does he look like?"

"Mom!" He groaned, letting his head fall back while laughing.

"Dan I'm curious! I wanna know the boy who stole my son's heart." She told him, still holding Daniel close.

"What family moment am I missing?" Joe walked into the room, a grin on his face when he saw Daniel with his wife.

Grace looked up at him. "Our Daniel is dating someone! His name is Maxy. That's all I know." She informed him.

Daniel chuckled. "His name is Max." He corrected.

Joe gasped. He quickly went over to his son and wife, sitting down on the chair next to Daniel. "I'm very happy for you Dan!" He said. "Tell us more about Max."

Daniel told them everything. He told them about Max's hair color, eye color, favorite activities and his family. The last topic was hard when he told his parents about Max's abusive father they immediately told him he could invite Max over.

Daniel told them how Max's sister and his mom both knew about their relationship, and that they were supportive of them which resulted in Grace telling Daniel they could come over with Max too.

Eventually Daniel had to tell Max about it all. He excused himself, but his parents kept him there, wanting to introduce themselves to Max. Daniel dialed Max's number.

"Hi da- oh hello." Max greeted.

Daniel could see Max turning red and all he wanted to do was comfort the younger one. "Hi Max. These are my parents. My mom, Grace and my dad, Joe." He introduced them.

"Hi Max. We're so glad to meet you." Grace said, waving at the screen.

Max waved back. "Hi, I'm Max." He blushed.

Daniel gave his parents the time to talk to Max. They mainly asked Max some questions about his life, not mentioning his dad at all. Max had proudly talked about his sister and told them that Daniel's sister also reacted positive.

His parents didn't know about Michelle knowing yet, which made Grace punch Daniel's shoulder. "How did she know and we didn't?" Daniel explained how she found out herself just like his mom found out herself.

After that Daniel went to his own room in their house, wanting to speak to Max in private. When he closed his door Max started talking.

"I like them." He commented, the blush still visible on his cheeks.

Daniel grinned. "I'm glad. They told me you could come over if you want." He informed. "They also would be happy to welcome your sister and mom, and I would also love to meet them of course. There's no pressure, but I wanted you to know" He added, rambling about it since he didn't want Max to think he had to do it.

"Daniel..." Max breathed out. "I really want to visit you." He said. "I'm gonna talk about it with my mom tonight."

Daniel smiled down at his lap. He could maybe even meet Max sooner than he thought he would ever do. "That'll be amazing. Let me know about her answer, alright?"

Max smiled and nodded. "I will Dan." He confirmed. "Your curls look amazing like that, don't cut them until I come over, okay?"

Daniel snorted. "Babe, as much as I love you I won't even be enable to see." He joked, laughing at himself. He stopped when he saw Max's expression. "Max, are you okay?"

"You love me?"

"I- I do." Daniel said, swallowing deeply.

"I love you too Daniel." Max spoke, a smile on his lips.

"I love you the most Max Verstappen."

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