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-This chapter takes place during S2E8: The Mind Flayer-
-Max's POV-

"You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asks Dustin. We'd been walking for a bit now and I already wanna go home.

"Yes," Dustin says. "He had the exact same yellow pattern on his butt."

"Yeah, but he was tiny two days ago," Mar chimes in.

"Well, he's molted three times already," Dustin explains. I feel my skin crawl. YEESH. Mar told me the Demogorgon was taller than Steve, so I can only imagine how many times he's gonna molt again.

"Malted?" Steve asks, glancing at Dustin.

"No, molted," Dustin corrects him. "Shed his skin to make room for more growth like hornworms."

"When's he gonna molt again?" I ask.

"It's gotta be soon," Dustin says, because that just makes me feel so much better. "When he does he'll be fully grown or close to it. And so will his friends."

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats," Steve adds.

"Wait, a cat?" Lucas asks as he stops walking. "Dart ate a cat?"

"No, what? No," Dustin tries.

"What are you talking about? He ate Mews," Steve says.

"Who's Mews?" Mar asks. I just stay quiet.

"Dustin's cat," Steve answers.


"I knew it! You kept him!" Lucas snaps.

"No! No. No, I... No, I... he missed me. He wanted to come home," Dustin explains.

"Bullshit!" Lucas exclaims. To be completely honest, I'm getting tired of their bullshit. Their back and forth was funny at first but now it's just annoying.

"I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?" Dustin yells.

"Oh so now you admit it?" Lucas asks.

"Guys!" I finally shout. "Who cares? We have to go!"

"I care!" Lucas snaps. "You put the party in jeopardy! You broke the rule of law!"

"SO DID YOU!" Dustin yells. Oh. My. God.


"You told a stranger the truth!" Dustin says, flashing his flashlight in Mar's face.

"A stranger?" Mar scoffs.

"You wanted to tell her too!" Lucas shouts.

"Okay, but I didn't, Lucas, okay? I didn't tell her!"

Suddenly I heard a fain roar, even over their loud bickering. I go to tell Steve but he's noticed it too.

"Hey guys?" Steve calls. They don't respond and continue arguing.

"I got it," I tell him. "GUYS!" I suddenly shout at the top of my lungs.

They quickly stop arguing as the roaring echoes through the trees. Lucas and Dustin take off with Steve into the woods. I stay back with Mar. We just follow closely behind.

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