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Requested by my friend. I didn't know how to write this since she didn't give me any details so I asked my girlfriends from school and now with their help I know what to write. I hope you enjoy it!

Blake woke up feeling sick. She felt the urge to throw up so she instantly jumped out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom, she saw her reflection on a life-size mirror in her bedroom and noticed that she was gaining weight. Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have eaten that whole buffet last night. She thought to herself. Blake still felt sick and decided to head to Atlantide and see a doctor.

She went to the docks and heard a female voice and turned around to see Kit right behind her. Hey Blake, where are you going? Kit asked her while walking toward Blake. I can't tell her where I'm going. Blake thought to herself before responding. Umm grocery shopping, Blake responded randomly. Again? You went yesterday. Kit asked her friend with a confused look on her face. Shoot that's right, Blake thought, cursing herself. Well, I forgot some things. Once again she responded to something randomly. Should I join you so that you don't get motion sickness? She asked her, with a concerned look on her face. No, it's fine Lucas gave me these, I won't be feeling sick, Blake responded with a smile showing Kit some bottles that had a bright blue liquid. If you say so. Kit responded, still concerned about her friend. Blake hopped onto one of the smaller boats and headed to Atlantide.

Once getting there she heads toward the nearest hospital center. Umm hello is anyone here? Blake asks as she steps inside the hospital center. Oh hello miss, do you need anything? A man came out from one of the back rooms wearing clothing that a doctor would wear. Yes actually, Blake responded and explained everything to the doctor and he started examining her till he ended up with a conclusion. So from what I could gather, you're pregnant. The doctor told her the situation and there was silence for a while then Blake had a huge smile across her face.

As soon as Blake left the hospital she saw Kit. Umm Blake, I thought that you were going to go grocery shopping. Why are you in the Hospital Center? Kit asked her but Blake was really on Cloud 9, she didn't respond to her question the only thing she did was hug Kit. Kit, confused with her response, saw Blake go.

Blake, still in Cloud 9 was heading towards the docks and slowly heading back to earth thinking about how Lucas would react. How would he react, will he accept the child, will he be upset, will he be happy? Blake thought back home.

Blake arrived at Divinous Magia and noticed that David, Lucas, and Etch were at the docks. Hey Lost child, where have you been? We've been looking for you. David asked the short girl as she was hopping off the boat. I was in Atlantide. Why? Blake responded by lying but making it realistic so that Lucas won't know that she was lying. Nothing much, we were just wondering, Lucas responded to his girlfriend's question. Both boys noticed that Blake had an odd expression on her face. Blake, you alright? Lucas asked, concerned about his girlfriend. hmm? oh yeah, I'm just tired. She answered him, trying not to worry him, then started heading back to her house, and Lucas started to be suspicious of his girlfriend. She is hiding something. Lucas thought to himself wanting to know what Blakes hiding. Papa? Etch asked, confused about the situation. Dude, you look worried you should go and check up on her? David told Lucas as if he was worried too. Yeah, I was planning on it. Lucas agreed with David.

Lucas heads towards Blake's house to check on her. He arrived and knocked on the door and there was no answer. She isn't home? He thought to himself, after a few seconds he started to leave and head to his house, while in Blakes's house, Blake was hiding behind her door trying to not make any noise and waiting for him to leave. She sat down at her table thinking over stuff. What should I do? Should I tell him? How would he react? I don't know what to do. Blake sat there quietly thinking to herself.

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