Chapter 9: Luck Strikes Twice

Start from the beginning

"It's fine. How about you stop by later, when I get home? You still have the key, right?" He nodded, excitedly. The sound of a horn withdrew my attention from Niall and I saw my mum pulling up. She waved in our direction and Niall waved in return. I pulled him into one more hug. "I love you, Niall and thanks for talking to me. Made this day a bit more smoother."

"Any time, Harry. I love you too."

"Hey, now, he's still mind." Zayn walked up, draping an arm over Niall's shoulder. "Good luck, Harry."

"Thanks, Zayn." I stuck my hand out, looking for a handshake; but Zayn pulled me into a hug, then patted me on the back. I waved farewell, then ran off towards the car.

[Next Scene]

"So, Harry, how has this week been for you?" Just like any other session, Jennifer always started off with asking me how my week. In the beginning, I would always report back with the same answer - about how I felt lost, confused, in need of something...or someone. Sometimes, I would complain about how hard it is to balance my life out and how complex it is to figure out the difference between my wants and needs - where they fit and why this was all so important, at the end of the day. It took me a while to make any sort of conclusion, but then I realized something. I didn't want this phobia, but I did need to conquer it. I didn't want to be seen as some type of mental patient, checking into a therapist's office every month, but that I need it to take me a step further and overcome all of this. I didn't want my friendship with Niall to fade the way it had did; but maybe I needed that to happen in order to find some sort of strength.

I didn't want my relationship with my mom to hit such an unexpected turn, but maybe I needed it for us to rekindle our mother-son relationship. I didn't want Liam to become some sort of interest, or rebound, but maybe I needed the comfort and touch of someone else to help me realize who I truly needed. And I certainly didn't want Louis out of my life for good, but maybe I needed a reality check to help me realize that I took him for granted and he had every right to be upset, if not more. One thing's for sure, I needed him. "It was...interesting." She smiled, not really used to hearing such positive feedback. At least, not in the beginning our of sessions. She fixed her glasses, making sure they were properly placed on her face.

"Care to elaborate?" She asked, eyes remaining on her notebook, as she continued to write things down.

"Well, I'm doing well in school, helping out in the bakery more. My mum is thinking of throwing a celebratory party for me making it through this phase in my life and yes, you're invited." She laughed, lightly. "Before I came here, Niall and I made up. I think it served as an extra boost why I may seem like I'm in such a cheery mood right now."

"Ah, friendships are sacred and if you two can make it through even the hardest of times, you'll make it through anything. I'm assuming I'll be meeting him at this party of yours?" She looked up, eyes peeking over the outline of her glasses. I nodded, in agreement. "What about your phobia? Any difference in the way your body reacts near water now?"

"Umm...well, I don't feel any type of pain anymore; in the back of my mind, I still get a bit frightened, but my body doesn't translate that to the visible eye." She nodded, jotting down a few more things in her notebook.

"You've always been a brave soul, Harry. Whether you want to believe it or not, I never once lost faith in you." I smiled, forcing back the tears in my eyes. Seems as though everyone had more faith in me than I did. I had allowed that disaster to devour me, plague my mind with so many negative thoughts - thinking it was the end of living a normal lifestyle. Then again, I don't think I've ever been deemed as normal. It's possible. Am I just now learning to accept myself. Over a month ago, I pondered who I was, seeking any type of signs about my purpose in life. I said that I loved to make people happy because it made me happy and, for once, I was able to walk in the shoes of the opposite aspects of that. I learned what it was like to make people sad and receive the same treatment in return. I went through the ups and downs, allowing myself to grow.

I wasn't trapped in my room, playing video games, and making out with Niall anymore. I hadn't encountered that feeling of regret anymore, every time I entered the school's halls. I enjoyed other adventurous things outside of the bakery. The places I felt comfortable most became foreign to me because I found a new comfort else where. I let my walls down, stared death in the face, formed new bonds - rekindled old ones - and fell in love. I think I'm starting to figure myself out. I'm not the smart ass who gets a joy out of baking and kissing my best mate. I mean, some of that still exists in me; but I'm Harry...the one who was deemed as a source of life, companionship, comfort. The go-to guy for a good time and people saw that in me. My life revolved around others and their's around me. This had all started when I knew what love truly meant...when I fell in love.

"Louis Tomlinson." I mumbled.

"It always comes back to Louis Tomlinson, am I right?" Jennifer asked, grinning. I nodded. "Well,'s about time you give in to that source of happiness." I looked at her, a grin still swept across her face. The squeak from the door's hinges caused me to turn around and take notice of the boy walking in.

"Lou..." I said, softly.

"Hi, Haz."

Who Is Harry?: Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now