Yue the Immortal Vampire

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"Already on the brink of death once again..." Shin sighs 

"With this we can move on. Let's get moving Shin. We need to get out of the labyrinth so we can get back to the surface. It's faster if we go down. We fell down quite a long way." Hajime tells Shin.

"Yeah I know. Well let's get going then." 

Shin and Hajime pack everything up inside the small tree they were in and Hajime gets small amounts of the crystal water inside these small tubes so they can have it when they need it.

Couple of hours of walking they have managed to walk down a couple of floors.

"Shin careful there's monsters around here." 

"Yeah I can sense them as well. My senses have changed by all these encounters. Even though I haven't eaten the monster meat yet I feel like I can sense things better than before."

As they keep walking it gets darker and darker. Hajime pulls out a lamp with a crystal inside of it and he uses it to light up the area.

Suddenly as they are walking the light instantly turns into stone and it breaks.

"What the hell happened to the light?" Hajime says to shin.

"That lizard over there is what broke the light."

As shin looks over at Hajime's arm it starts turning into stone.

"Hajime! Use the crystal water on your arm that thing has petrification!"

"I didn't even notice for a second thanks!" Hajime pulls out the crystal water and instantly pours it on him.

The lizard starts walking over towards Hajime and Shin and looks over at them while Hajime is drinking still using the potion.

Hajime then throws a flash bang up and it blinds the lizard Shin jumps up and uses his ODM gear and instantly kills the lizard.

"That's that. Now then here catch Hajime something came out of the Lizards body." 

Shin throws a stone tablet towards Hajime and he catches it.

"Oh? This is useful to have. Tells us what its abilities are." Hajime says.

"That's useful."

"Yeah. Well let's keep moving then."

After a while they kept walking and finally ran into a door.

"Its a big door... How are we supposed to open this?"

Suddenly two giants started moving that were next to the door.

"Careful Hajime these don't seem easy to beat."

"Hah. These are a piece of cake. With us two and how strong we are now this is nothing!"

They start to move and the red one starts to move towards Hajime first.

Hajime instantly shoots the red one in the eye killing it.

"I'm not gonna just casually wait around for both of you to fight us at once!"

Hajime starts shooting at the other one which is blue but he's doing no damage to it.

Hajime runs behind a rock and Shin uses his new ODM gear to cut off the cyclops arms off.

"Now Hajime!" 

Hajime takes this chance and shoots the blue one in the eye.

"Now then to get through this door." Hajime says to Shin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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