Stage 1: A Fool's Arrival

Start from the beginning

Igor: Don't worry, the you in the real world is currently asleep. You're only experiencing this as a dream.

???: Okay?

Despite his rather striking appearance, this Igor character has a very calm and soothing demeanor.

Igor: This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter... It is a room, where only those who are bound by a "contract" may enter. Henceforth, you shall be welcome here in the Velvet Room as our guest.

Those words confused ???, as he had no idea what Igor was talking about.

???: (Contract? What contract?)

Igor: Now then, why don't you introduce yourself?

???: Huh?

Bartender: We are simply asking for your name.

???: My name? Well...

(Ikki Ichinou / Age: 17 / Occ: High School Student)

(Ikki Ichinou / Age: 17 / Occ: High School Student)

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Ikki: It's Ikki Ichinou.

Igor: Hm, I see.

Ikki: What'd you want?

Igor: We will get to that in a minute. While we're at it...

Igor summons a chess board in front of them.

Igor: Are you in the mood for a little game of chess?

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Igor: Are you in the mood for a little game of chess?

Ikki: Whatever.

Ikki and Igor begin playing chess.

Igor: Life is like a game, every move you make has a consequence to it, be it good or bad. No move can be undone, but you can always make your next step... better. Wouldn't you agree?

Ikki: I guess. Aren't you gonna tell why I'm here?

Igor: The game that will determine your future will soon begin. If the game remains uncleared, your future, may be forever lost.

Ikki: Hm?

Igor: Which is why, we wish to provide our services to ensure that does not happen.

Ikki: Suppose that's true. Why are you even doing this?

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