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Chapter 3: Predator

I'm walking through a forest, stumbling from my bleeding leg. I don't know where I am, but all I know is I need to find help. And fast. Nothing looks familiar and it takes about an hour of walking before I finally see a distant light break through this darkness of night. Hope surges through me. I found help.

I hear a twig snap in the distance behind me. He's coming. With my renewed hope and my fear of getting captured again, I half limp half run towards the light that slowly becomes larger.

Banging on the door, I cry for help. God, they couldn't come to the door any slower. For what feels like a life-time, an old, haggard woman opens the door. Her eyes widen in surprise and fear when she sees my bloody leg.

"Help me. Please." I add when I see her hesitation. "I need help."


I wake up with my heart pounding. Gosh, that was an intense dream. But I know it wasn't just any dream. This is going to happen, and from the warm air I felt in the dream, it might be soon.

The thing is, I don't dream. Not the fun kind with sunshine and rainbows. I sleep and my mind is filled with blackness as deep as the oceans. But when I do have visions in my sleep-which happens only once or twice a week- they're exactly that; visions. And they are most definitely not sunshine and rainbows. They're either really stupid like someone looking at a lake, or really scary that leaves me waking up feeling like I'm not alone in my room. I never know who it is in my dream until it happens, but most of the time, it's not me.

I hope this one wasn't me.

After lying in my bed for a few more minutes, I decide to finally get up and get on with the rest of the day.

Heading downstairs, I find a note from Sean:

Morning Jen,

Went out to get some groceries. Be back soon. Love u.


Sighing, I make myself over-easy eggs and toast, cut up an apple into slices and put them all on a plate, ready to eat. Mmmm, nothing like a delicious breakfast to start off the day.

After I've finished my Heaven-made food, I head back upstairs and change into grey athletic shorts and a sky-blue t-shirt, tie on my running shoes and pull my hair up into a pony-tail before heading out to a little trail by Mink Creek.

I'm not exactly good at this running thing yet, it's been two weeks since I started, but it's a good way for me to not think. I only have room to focus on my breathing, the song, and where my foot lands next.

Except, of course, when I see Hunter and Brayden up ahead and end up not seeing the dip in the little dirt road, causing me to trip over myself. Nice one, Jen.

With just my luck, Hunter just had to be looking at me right when I fall on my face, and now he's doubled up laughing. Brayden, who is standing next to Hunter, awkwardly shifts from side to side, fighting back a smile.

"That was priceless!" After a few minutes, Hunter finally calms down and starts wiping the tears from his eyes. "Sorry, Jenny, but you have to agree that that was hilarious."

I scowl at him.

"So, what are you up to, Jen?" Thank goodness Brayden saves me from further embarrassment and changes the subject. I flash him a grateful smile.

"Just getting my morning run in. What about you guys? Off to somewhere cute and romantic?" I smirk at how red Hunter's face is. Payback for laughing at me.

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