10 ~ I Can't, Not Again

Start from the beginning

"Look, Ruth... Even if there was something there, I can't do that.. I-I can't, not again.. It's hard and that phone call- it wasn't about you.. My mate was complaining about some chick that won't get off his back, ok? I'd never speak about you like that.. But this, us... We can't. It's dangerous for you, and it's dangerous for me. I don't expect you to understand-"

"Then make me understand, Tom! Fucking make me! We're fucking married! It just make's it easier!! Please, Tom!" She begs, tears cascading down her cheeks. I look away from her as mine fall too, feeling guilty.

"I can't, Ruth.. I-I can't go through this again"

"I won't be like that. Please, Tom... Let me show you-" She reaches out to me, but I smack her hand away.

"No, Ruth! Just- Just drop it!" I storm into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I slump against the wood, fighting the urge to break down. I throw myself off the door with a huff, grabbing a bottle of whisky I keep in my rooms small bar and pour a glass. I also pour 4 shots of vodka, needing to drown the feelings.


"Tom, what the fuck are you doing? We have to go, mate!" Sam exclaims, grabbing my limp body off the bar stool. I gasp, grasping his face and squishing it.

"Squishy baby" I coo, giggling as he takes me out to the car.

"Bye bye, Ruth" I wave to the house, my body slumping against the back seat.

"How much have you had to drink? I can smell you from here" Harrison waves his hand in front of his face, scrunching his nose. I stick my tongue out at him and cross my warms with a huff.

"Not much, really! I work better drunk, I get out the cool remarks" I smirk. The car slows, pulling up to the dingy warehouse. The drive was about an hour long, letting me sober up a little with a clearer mind set.

Getting out of the car, I unbutton my suit jacket, walking in through the doors powerfully. Crates are placed randomly throughout the metal building, surrounding the meet up spot smack-bang in the middle. It's like a movie, really; a light hanging low from the ceiling only lighting up the area of where the deal will be done. Bulky men surround the sleazy, rich one, making him look powerful, even though we all know he's the weakest of them.

"Ah! Louise! How are you my friend" I greet, stopping in front of a long crate - most likely holding the special goods. Louise gives me a belly laugh, his cigar hanging from his lips as his fedora sits side ways on his head. Someone really needs to dress him properly...

"Tommo! I'm great now that I'm seeing your handsome face! How's the wife?" He rasps, puffing out the smoke of the stick, offering me one which I denied, grabbing my own from my pocket. Probably poisoned before hand.. I flick out my lighter as I place the cigar between my lips, lighting it. I inhale a fair amount of smoke, flinging my suit jacket back as I place my lighter in my pocket.

"Thanks, mate. I'd say the same to you, but you're looking a bit... Fucking horrid" I laugh as he clenches his jaw, obviously not liking my comment. I'm not wrong..

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You bring your bidding?" He queries with a cocked brow. 

"Of course, mate. Wouldn't be here if I didn't" I lie. In all honesty, we're here to kill him.. He's been interfering with us a lot and he needs to be gone, along with the rest of his Mob.

"Right... Show it then" He waves a gun at me. I flinch, grabbing my own behind my back, not pulling it out yet.

"Put the gun away, Wallace" I snarl, not liking how the room is feeling within the moment. He laughs, stomping of his cigar. I spit mine out, not needing it to get in my way.

"You didn't bring it, did you pal? What a shame... I couldn't help but noticed how you skipped my question about your dame.. Hmm? Safe at home, I presume? Alone?" He smirks creepily, cocking the gun. I whip mine out quickly and shoot him in the chest. He clutches it, looking at me with a pale face as his men arm themselves, but mine are quicker; shooting until the room is filled with the sound of limp bodies falling. Louie coughs and splutters.

"I do hope you said something nice before you left your princess, Tommo" He chokes. An unknown bomb flies into the room, causing me and my men to jump behind the crates and hide as it goes off. Ringing fills my ears as I get up from my crouched position, looking over the crate to see no goods.. And no Louie. That son of a bitch.

I breathe deeply, making sure my men are ok, which they were.

"The fuck did he mean by what he said about Ruth?" Harrison pants, looking at the dead bodies in front of us.

"I don't know, but I don't fucking like it. Let's go, c'mon!" I hurry everyone back to the care, needing to get home to Ruth.

Please be ok, love..

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