Limelight Cuddling

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When she got downstairs " oh don't worry she can hear the bell clearly...
I bet she's..."
Her aunt gasped when she saw her she saw her " oh my God .... you look so beautiful".

Nathan had turn to stare the moment he heard Catherine gasp. He looked up at the stairs and saw her,  just stared at her feeling mesmerized.
Corrine met his eyes when she felt the long stare. She couldn't help but blush at his reaction, so she avoided hi s gaze but didn't forget to check him out.

"Obviously, his idea was to make a couple outfit and he looks hot"  she thought after averting her gaze
By the time she alighted from the fleet of stair her aunt hugged her carefully before excusing herself.
"You look stunning " she smiled "You look great too".

Nathan smiled as he offered her his arm " shall we?" she took his arm and nodded politely
He walked her toward his car and held the door open for her.
She mumbled a thank you before getting in.
Nathan shut the door and got into the other side, which was opened by his driver. The journey was a very quiet one.

Getting to the venue, there were many paparazzi already stationed outside.
Nathan got down first, straightened his white suit which he paired with a burgundy colored bow tie.
They rushed his way as he opened the other side of the car for Corrine , they took numerous pictures as she alighted the car holding Nathan's hand

Nathan circled his hand round her waist, he felt her stiffen up.
Corrine was used to the paparazzi and don't get fazed but when it comes to being so close to Nathan she can't help but stiffen up.
" Mr Burrows your engagement with Miss Knight 'wowed' the public. So, everyone is really curious as to whether it was purely business or a romantic coincidence?"

It was at this moment Nathan spoke to Corrine, shielding her from the camer.
" relax Corrine I've told you numerous times........ you should have gotten used to me already, right?"
He whispered close to her ears and it was also the first time he dropped all formalities .

It was a really ambiguous position.
To the paparazzi it was a lovely kiss they shared, since Nathan had his back to the cameras as he spoke to Corrine.
he saw her ears reddened and she subconsciously relaxed as she ran through the  his words and the hot breath he blew into her ears.
He turned to stand side by side with her, all this while his hand never left her waist.

This garnered gasps and 'wows' from the public and they smiled knowingly.
Being short of words from Nathan's show of affection (as they thought) they were frozen for a while and at this moment Nathan slide through them with Corrine without any qualms.

Corrine gave him a questioning look, wondering how he passed through the paparazzi without answering a question.
She was obviously clueless about what he did when he whispered into her ears.
Feigning ignorance.
" The question they asked should be our personal matter right?" The actual reason he did that was because he doesn't really know how to answer than.

"oh....yes of course" Corrine affirmed with a convinced expression, she looked so serious and convinced
" cute"  Nathan grinned as he thought of her naive expression.
They entered the hall, everyone's eyes were on the entrance, they were all looking forward to the dressing and combination of the next person to enter.

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