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It's the year (2100s), it was a very bright and beautiful afternoon until it turned into chaos.

"AHHHGGGHHH!" A woman cried in pain "You're doing great honey, just a few more pushes" "if you don't shut the fuck up, Kyo!" Her husband tried calming her down which came to no avail.

Lots of screaming and crying later, a beautiful baby girl finally come's out. She had buttery smooth s/c, full head of soft h/c, her eyes where e/c, and her little charcoal wings puffed up a bit.

"Awe she's gorgeous" Kyo was about to start crying when Yuki punch him playfully in the side. "Don't start crying yet, we still gotta name her" after thinking for the perfect name they came up with...Y/N.

"Y/N, L/n it's perfect for our little girl" they smiled holding there child in their hands, unfortunately they couldn't really relax at the hospital, since they had a four almost five year old son at home with a grandmother that always falls asleep.

Once they arrived home, Zack came running down the stairs and into his parents arms. "Hey there little champ" Kyo chuckled ruffling up Zack's black sort of curly hair.

He pouted trying to fix it back but in the end just gave up on it, "are you ready to meet your baby sister?" He nodded his head viciously giving the biggest smile ever.

Yuki laughed crouching down to his level so it can be easier for him to see. His eyes widened in joy at how cute she looked, Y/n smiled reaching her hand out to touch his face.

She giggled grabbing a chunk of his cheek pulling on it slightly, "looks like you two are going to be real close" the grandmother slowly walked out the living room giving a slight smile.

"Since you're her older brother, you have the responsibility of making sure she stays safe, and is always smiling no matter what happens."

He saluted giving a serious face, which earned giggles from everyone. "Alright mom, you must be tired from watching Zack all day" Kyo gave her a hug helping her out the door and to her cab.

*Three year's later*

Y/n's turning three this year, her parents where setting up decorations and preparing the food, while her and Zack where flying around playing tag. Y/n stopped in front of the television seeing a pro hero using there quirk against a villain.

Her eyes started to glow brightly making Zack turn around to the sudden change of lighting. "Mom, Dad, Y/n's eyes are glowing!" After he said this they came running in, shocked at what their baby is doing. "Kyo, do you think she got your quirk?" Yuki asked turning her attention on him.

"Possibly, but my eyes don't glow that bright when I'm copying a quirk" once he finished his sentence her eyes went back to normal like nothing happened, "are you okay sweetheart?" Yuki walked up only to be wrapped in a black mist that morphed into a chain like material.

"AHHH! KYO HELP ME!" She pleaded squirming around trying to get free, all he could do was laugh at what was happening "that's...d-definitely my..quirk" he said in between laughs. After his laughing fit was over he activated his canceling her quirk while catching his wife after.

"Thanks a lot for saving me after your laughing fit" she crossed her arms over her chest only to burst into laughter, "let's just hope she gets your Phoenix abilities when she outside, so she doesn't burn the house down" the thought of that made Kyo shiver.

"Relax she most likely won't until she's four at least that's when I go mine" once she said that Y/n erupted into flames instead of the normal reddish orange color it was a light blue tint. Her feathers went flying everywhere catching some furniture on fire, "welp what do you know, she did exactly what I thought would happen" Kyo gave a smug smirk making Yuki roll her eyes as she desperately calls Keigo over for help.
I hope you'll like this new rewrite of the story :)

There's going to be a Time Skip to basically when the entrance exams start, so when I have the time I'll try to get that out.

It would be appreciated if you guys leave me feedback on how you like the rewrite of the story so far.

I'll also prob make a list of the parents and brothers quirk in the next chapter, just to give u guys a more better understanding.

Have a nice Day/Night 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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