Chapter 42: My Small Quirky Family

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"Yes, next time I see you here, I want to see an engagement ring on your finger," she grins. I drag a hand down my face. 

"If you keep saying that you're going to chase him away!" I whine. Mom just shrugs in reply. 

"What can I say? I want grandbabies. After all, I'm not getting any younger," she stated. I grab my plate from the table and come to a stand, scooting my chair back. 

"I think I've lost my appeptite," I gag. "I'll just help wash dishes."  I walk over to the sink and begin doing dishes, frustrated and flustered in such a state. Welp, I thought. I knew I had it coming one day. My mom said it herself and she was right. But why so straightforward?! Oh, I know, because she's a straightforward person and so are you... Somewhat, but you get the idea! 

I scrub the dish aggressively until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and look up to meet G's pinpricks, my movement slowing down and frustration disappearing. 

"You okay?" he asks. 

"I should be asking you that," I sigh, looking back at the empty table. G seems to notice my silent questioning. 

"They left so we could have some alone time," he explains, gently grabbing the dish from my hands and putting it in the dish washer. 

"Oh. Well, we both need a breather," I chuckle. 

"Yeah," he sighs, wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. "How are you feeling? And answer truthfully." 

"Embarrassed, shy, flustered, frustrated. All in all, I feel like I want to die right where I stand if embarrassment could kill," I reply. "You?" 

"Eh, I could say any less different, " he smiled. I raise a brow at him in disbelief. 

"You're lying Mister. Don't thinking I didn't see you shift in your chair earlier," I smirk, making G wince playfully. "You were extremely uncomfortable."

"Oof. There goes my ego." I giggle, kissing his cheek. "And I think I've gained it back," he comments. He gives me a peck on the lips, my sister barging into the room last minute. 

"Ew! Mommy, they're kissing!" she exclaims, pointing at us. G and I flinch, pulling back from the kiss to turn to S/N.

"No making out in my kitchen!" Mom yells from another room. I sigh and finish up the dishes with G. After drying my hands off, we walk down the hallway to join my mom and sister. I check the time on my phone realizing it's late and confront my mom. 

"Sorry Mommy, but we have to go. Traffic gets really bad at late hours so we'll have to leave." 

She pulls me into a hug which I take back warmly. She pulls back, her hands on my shoulders. "Alright, but be careful alright? I don't want anything bad happening to you both," she cautions. 

"Trust me, we will," I smile. She then looks over to G, a brow raised. 

"Now you, come here. Front and center," she demands, gesturing with her index finger. 

"Yes ma'am," G quickly replies. He looked like he was about to sweat bullets at any given moment. She envelopes him in a hug to which G looks at me and I shrug as he decides to hug back.

"You take good care of my daughter, you hear? Next time I want to see a ring on her finger," she intones, pulling back from the hug. "Otherwise, if I don't and you break my daughter's heart... Just know that I'll break you to make up for it." 

"Trust me, I won't and don't plan on it," G grins.  

"Mom!" I shout. She backs away, putting hands up innocently. 

"I said 'if' sweetie! If ! I'm not going to do it!" she defends. I grab G's hand and pace for the front door. 

"Well we've got to go now, so bye! Love you!" I splutter, opening the door and walking down the steps with G behind me. My mom and sister wave me off. 

"Bye sweetie!" 

"Bye big sis! Have safe sex!" 

G and I settle into the car and quickly slam the door behind us. I catch my breath, my chest heaving up and down. We pull our seat belt over our chest and down in the click button. G then starts the car, the vehicle moving in no time. I put my hands over my face, tilting my head back against the seat. 

"Sweet baby francise, why?" I ask. I uncover my face and turn my head to look at G. "G I'm so, so sorry. She didn't mean it, she's just protective of me, that's all." G sighs, a chuckle escaping past his lips. 

"I can see that. You have a great family doll, don't worry 'bout it," he lazily smiles. "No need to be ashamed, I would've been the same way as your mom if it was with my bro bringing someone home." 

"Yeah, but that still gives her no excuse to threaten you, even if it sounded passive aggressive in a nice way," I conclude, pouting. 

"It's fine doll. Plus, everything your mother said wasn't wrong in any way, just the hard truth," he notes, softly putting a hand on my leg. I yawn against the back of my hand, leaning to my windows side. 

"Mhm. But she could always have a better way of delivering the message..." Looking ahead at the bright lights and blurs of orange, blue, and pink send my mind into a trance, my eyelids beginning to grow heavy. I could feel the warm air conditioning in the car, the smell of vanilla, just like G. I hear G softly chuckle. 

"Tired huh? Well, get some rest doll," he softly speaks, my ears slowly drowning out the sound around me. My eyelids heavier than before, shut immediately, my mind and body asleep within a matter of seconds. 

Boy, what a day.

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