I drive over to her apartment and find Nate still lying on the floor, motionless. I check his pulse to make sure he's still alive. I decide to call the cops just to get rid of him. He wakes up right when the cops arrived and told me he'd be sure to come back for her. There's no way Noalani is living alone now.

I grab clothes and shoes from her drawers and closet, grab random things from her bathroom and put them in my car. Her dogs are being dog sat somewhere so I'll worry about them tomorrow. By the time I get to my house it's 1:30 am. I finish up my work, I go to sleep to get my mind off of this whole situation.

By the time I wake up it's 7 a.m and I actually feel refreshed. I go brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I put on some comfortable clothes and skip breakfast. I decide to go and get her a card, some flowers, and her some filled twizzlers. I drive over to the hospital, ask the lady at the desk for her room number. Thank goodness she's still asleep, she looks peaceful as if nothing happened.

I put my "gifts" on a table and give her gentle kiss on the forehead. I sit down on the couch and just daydream. Replaying different scenarios of how things should've happened makes me realize how much more this is my fault.

"Helloo?" I hear a quiet, raspy voice say. I look over to her and she's just sitting up, smiling at me. I can't help but to just stare at her, just hearing her voice makes me freeze, I don't know what to say to her.

"Um, good morning..." I tell her walking over to the bed grabbing her hands. When I look down at her hands, I notice all the needles and tubes and wires and stuff and it just hurts me even more. I just want to cry, but I can't. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." she tells me smiling even harder, I can tell it's a forced fake smile.

"I'm sorry." I tell her playing with hair.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's mine." she tells me with and unsteady voice, her smile vanishing from her face, and a tear rolling down her cheek followed by more. "Dillon, you can leave me."

"No. What are you talking about, why would you tell me to leave you?" I ask her confused.

"Dillon, I've just caused so much trouble and if you want to leave me, you can. I don't blame you..." she tells me crying.

"Shhhhhh. No. Noalani, I'm not going to leave you just because of what he did to you. I care about you. I can't just up and go because of a bad incident, I mean, stuff happens. It is unfortunate and all, but we'll get through this together, I'm staying." I tell her wiping off her tears. This must be the worst birthday ever.

"Thank you. I love you." she tells me.

"I love you too." "So, how do you really feel?"

"Well, not as bad as I felt last night. It was horrible, but I really feel good. My back hurts a little, but now too bad." she says me playing with the IV.

"Well good. So you're coming back home later on?"

"Yep, of course. I don't want to stay here longer than I have to, I'm terrified of hospitals."

"Awe. Well, um, what do you think about living with me for a while?" I ask her running my hands through my hair, nervous that she might not want to live with me, but we have been dating for almost a year.

"I mean, are you sure you want me to live with you?"

"I'm positive."

"Well then yea I'll come live with you, but why do you want me to?"

"I don't want a repeat. I don't want to be at home by myself, knowing you're at your place alone. I feel as if I have nothing to worry about if you're with me."

"I feel you. Well, can you get my things from my place then?" she tells me gently squeezing my hands.

"I sorta already have. Oh yeah, I called the cops and they took care of Nate. We'll handle him later on." I tell her.

"Okay and Okay, thank you."

"Mhm." I tell her smiling.

We talk for what feels like forever until the doctor comes in to release her. When he goes remove her IV, she looks terrified, I feel so bad. She gets it over with and is discharged. We go to pick up our dogs and head over to my house at about 6.

"Do you need anything?" I ask her after putting her dogs in my backyard and putting her things up.

"I just want to take a bath." she tells me undoing her robe.

"Okay." I walk her to my bathroom and get the water running. "Bubbles?"


"Okay, I'm going to go and pick your prescriptions and stuff, I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you too."

I go to the nearest pharmacy and pick up what she needs and decide to get some red velvet ice cream because it's my favorite. When I get back home she's still chilling in the bathtub with her eyes closed.

"Hey baby, how do you feel?" I ask her sitting down next to her taking off my shirt.

"Better than I felt before. Are my parents still on their trip?" she asks me sitting up.

"Yes, they said they'd be back in California by today."

"Can you give me your phone?"

"Sure." I unlock my phone and hand it to her. When she calls her parents she explains what happened and stuff and begs them not to come.

"Why don't you want them to come here to visit?" I ask her confused.

"I just don't. Can you hand me a towel?" I wonder why she doesn't want them to come over, I hope she isn't ashamed of me.

I hand her a towel and help her out of the tub. I walk her to my bed, sit her down, and apply lotion for her.

"Well, time to take your medicine!" I tell her getting up heading over to grab the bottles and pills. "Here you go I'll go get you some water." As I am walking out I here her moan. "Whyy?" She asks me whining. "Doctor's orders. It'll be over in no time girl." I tell her grinning.

She takes her medicine quickly and goes to brush her teeth. "Let me wear one of your shirts." She tells me messing with my hair. "Okay, find one." She rummaged through my things and eventually finds one that she likes. Seeing her in my clothes turn me on, it makes me really want her.

"Mmmmm, fits just right." She winks at me walking over to the lights turning them off.

I proceed to tuck myself into bed and while I'm doing that, I feel her arms wrap around my chest and she begins to plant kisses up and down my neck turning me on even more, making me grow. She crawls over and sits on my crotch and grinds her butt against me making me even harder and kisses me hard and long.

"Are you turned on?" She asks me in a seductive tone.

"Uh, yeah." I tell her sliding my hands up her shirt.

"Good." She tells me hopping off of me tucking herself in bed.

"Awe, why'd you tease me?" I ask her disappointed.

"Just cause. Hey Dillon?"


"Can we just go on as if the incident that happened, didn't happen?"

"If that's what you want, yes." I tell her. I think to myself that no matter how much the both of us want to forget that night, we never really will. It happened.

"Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too."

Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now