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Kamrien/kam/maceii father

So I texted her she's coming right now kentrell and I'm already On my way!" I said in the phone call"Alright is maceii there?" Kentrell asked me curious

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So I texted her she's coming right now kentrell and I'm already On my way!" I said in the phone call
"Alright is maceii there?" Kentrell asked me curious.
"Yes I told her everything" I said
"What she say" he asked
"Nothing much because she hasn't seen her" I said
"Oh well tell tell her all my kids here" he said
I didn't get a chance to tell Mae Mae because she started screaming "YAYAYASYSYAYAY" she said
"Calm down maceii" I said
"Yeah no" she said

To when they got there
"Its 7:30 this girl ain't here braaa" I said
"Who me?" She asked
Like I said in the last chapter I use to mess with her but I hadn't seen her in years
"Wow" I said
"So can we co-parent or not" she said looking at me serious
"Nah" I said
"What do you mean nah" she said
"I don't even know you. What if you ain't her actual mother" I said
"You do know me and yes I am bro" she said
"Then why you put her up for adoption" I said
"Because my mom didn't want her or me so she said if I didn't give her up she would kick me out." She said while her eyes began to water
I know I didn't know her like that because we only use to mess but she was really sensitive sometimes
So I decided to hug her tight because wtf am I gonna do just stand there no.
"Im sorry" I said still hugging her
"So we're co-parenting now ok?" I said and asked her
"I mean if you want to" she said
"Mhm" i said



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That's who she's going to be in the story👍

"Hey maceii" Brooklyn said *btw THATS gone be her name*
"I don't know you so don't talk to me braa" Macei said with a attitude
"Lose that fucking attitude Maceii" kamrien said
"Yeah yeah" maceii said
She just started her period and she already having a attitude unt unt🤦‍♀️
"Don't get a fucking attitude with us maceii" kam said
"And who tf is she bro" Maceii said
"Your mom" kamrien said
"So you start dating a chick and she all of the sudden becomes my mom yeah no." She said
*they explain everything to her*
5 months later
Alright yall so imma be pranking kam my boyfriend YUH WE GOT TOGETHER SO IMMA FLEX 🤷‍♀️" Brooklyn said to the camera
"The prank is gonna be bending over prank and shii so I'm kinda horny as a fuck so i gotta do this and I got no underwear on so imma hide his shoes and shorts and shit under the bed and the couch and he gone be like where are my shorts and imma be like oh lemme check then imma bend over and maceii not here so my time to shine bro. Btw we been together for 3 months ALREADY!! And I have these tight assss shorts with no underwear so yeah" Brooklyn said to her camera
So she sets the camera
10 minutes later
"Hey babyy" said Brooklyn to kam
"Sup" he said dry asf
"Where my shorts at I need them to take a shower bro" he said while looking All over the place for his favorite shorts
"Maybe under the bed lemme check" she said bending over
"What I tell you bout not wearing underwear bro" kamrien said
"Why you looking" Brooklyn said
"Because you my wifey" he said
"And because yo Pussyy fattt" he mumbled
" I heard that" she said smirking
"So you find my shorts or nah" he said trying to switch the subject
"Yes they were under the bed" Brooklyn said
"Should I shower rn or like at ten because it's 6:09"
"You should shower at ten baby" Brooklyn said
"Alright" he said
"Where is my fucking lighter mane everything missing now" he said
" I will check under the bed bebe" Brooklyn said
Bending over
"Damn thaaa ahh phatt" he mumbled
"What you say?" Brooklyn asked
"Nothing" he said while going to where she was bending over and he tried to yk but then she busted out laughing saying it was a joke
"Not funny mane I really thought I was about to get some" he said to her
"Well you thought wrong" she said
"Shut tf up bro" he said
"He mad yall" she said picking up the camera
He then slammed the door
"Well damn" Brooklyn said
Then the family meeting button went off
"Omg what does maceii want now" I said
"Well bye y'all that's all for today" she said to the camera
"COMING" said kamrien still mad
When they got To the little meeting room
"Sooo?" Brooklyn said
"I need to ask you guys something really important" maceii said
"What is it" kam
"Well this guy kinda asked me to be his girlfriend and without thinking about y'all I said yes and I really like him" maceii said
"No" Kamrien said
"Yes" Brooklyn said
"Bro no" kamrien said
"Bro yes" Brooklyn said
"I say yes so end of discussion" said Brooklyn
"Bro no you bouta make me more mad at you stop she's tooo young" he said
"Your point? She likes him let her be" Brooklyn said
"Bro Just bye" he said while going to the front door
"He will be back he does that when he is reallyyyyy mad" Macei said
"Well I don't really know anything about that because this is our FIRST argument". Brooklyn said
"Oh well he will be back in less than 24 hours" maceii said
"How long does he take?" Brooklyn asked
"Like 10 hours he usually goes with kentrell or Ben" maceii said
"Do you go with him" Brooklyn asked
"Eh most of the time but he is mad at YOU and kinda me so if he would of brought me it would have been weird so he didn't take me this time I guess" Macei said
"Should I go get him or?" Brooklyn asked
"Yup he smokes a Lot when he is mad and that's very bad for him so I suggest you go get him now if he isn't in his car smoking he is smoking at Kentrells house so yeah" maceii said
"Okay I will be right back baby" Brooklyn said
"Okay ma" maceii said

Brooklyn POV

So I'm currently driving to Kentrell house because I don't want kamrien to be even more mad at me bro and maceii said he smokes a lot when he is mad so hopefully he ain't smoking because he knows me and maceii don't like him doing that Ok so I arr...

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So I'm currently driving to Kentrell house because I don't want kamrien to be even more mad at me bro and maceii said he smokes a lot when he is mad so hopefully he ain't smoking because he knows me and maceii don't like him doing that
Ok so I arrived and they aren't in the front yard so he is of course inside
*brooklyn knocks 4 times*
"COMING" said kentrell
He opens the door
"Yes?" Kentrell said acting dumb
"I know kam is here I see his car in the front yard so don't play dumb with me" I said
"Sorry but Kamrien don't want to talk to you right now" He said
"Well I do" I said shortly before pulling the door open wide
"KAM" i yelled
There was no answer
"He isn't here he left his car and told me to act like if he was here because he knew Maceii would tell you where he always goes so he got. A uber" Kentrell said
"Ohh.." I said
"So now can yo-" he DIDNT get a CHANCE to finish before I said
"Where is he" I said
"Sorry little nigga told me not to tell anyone CANT tell" Kentrell said
"If you don't fucking tell me imma drag you and you know I don't play" I said
"Alright he is at y'all's back up house" he said
"That's what I thought" Brooklyn said

To be Continued.

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