MY MOON / at least we were electrified

Start from the beginning

THE MYSTERY WITHIN THE MYSTERY passed down through her family onto her and her brother's shoulders, hanging over them until it was ready to burst. Now grown into her fifth year at Hogwarts everything slowly starts to open itself back up again. Unsure of how to handle her feelings, she becomes friends with a person who she never thought would even talk to her.

THERE ARE SOME BURDENED with the curse of not choosing who they get to be. Remus Lupin knew of this all too well. His lycanthropy problem would itch him forever, barring the rashes and scars of it on his skin. With his intelligence, insane looks, and popularity it masked himself to the world. To them he was on top, to himself he'd been at rock bottom for years. There was so little to do when only three other people really knew who you were.

BARGAINING FOR SOMETHING NEW he found someone to reside in, to share his passions that his three other friends could not. All to get validations for his fixations only to trade it with the fact he could never tell her his secret, which only turned into two of his secrets. People had stopped asking questions about the scars that grazed his face many moons ago, except Mila. And with finding his smile again with her, it'd only paint him pained much worse.

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