Chapter Three-End of the Vampires-Part one

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New York Catholic Church;

8:00 PM

"Look, I don't really think we should take all of The Holy Water...Now, we have crucifixes, hammers, stakes, and garlic...", Declan begun.

      "What's going on here?", Father Dermott McDouglass asked. He walked up the long hall, past the pews, and headed to the Holy Altar of God.

        "I'm Declan. This is FBI Agent Kendall Langin. And a friend of ours. There's Vampires biting people in the Ports...and The Lounge of Dead Blood. We need to get ammo for the fight with the Undead. God and Jesus Christ Himself will approve, Father", FBI Agent Kendall Langin answered.

          "Of course...Evil shall be cleansed from here", Father Dermott McDouglass said. He had short, black hair, brown colored eyes, and tall.

            He wore a purple cassock around his neck, a black colored collar, black colored trousers, a black colored belt, black colored socks, and black colored shoes on his huge feet.

             And a grey colored watch on his right hand.

              And he was 37 years old.

               "Father, why are you wearing a black collar?", Declan asked.

                 "Oh...My white colored collar was lost last year", Father Dermott McDouglass answered, as he lied.

                "There's no congregation, Father. Noone's here", Karolie said.

                "They're late", Father Dermott McDouglass said. He stared at the front double doors. Noone was there.

                 Suddenly the dark clouds shifted outside. Then, within seconds, thunder boomed. Then heavy rain fell from the black, threatening cloud mass...

                   ...And another shift caused everyone to jump.

                   "It could be a blackout, Father. We shouldn't go out now. Now, where's the Vampires' lair? Downstairs...or within the bowels of The Church of Dead Blood. I see black colored lamps. A huge black chandelier swaying left to right. To the left are secret passages for Vampires to go without being seen by humans; to the right is the study room for occult studies...My, my parents were right about the foul stench of Dark Vampyres of the Charstein Family. It reeks of the Living Undead. We're in the heart of their lair...Such a shame that we will destroy it", Karolie said.

                   Then the doors were open by itself. And Sandra Charstein glided towards them. So was Vampiress Dracolna Dracilla, and her sister Countessa Dreamora Dracilla...And Countess Emilina DeVraign...and lastly, Cartine Charstein.

                   And then the other Mob Vampire bosses.

                   "Father...Why, haven't you bitten the intruders yet?", Carmine Charstein asked. She glided towards him.

                     "They needed some items from the Church, Cartine...", Father Dermott McDouglass begun...before she cut him off.

                      "Now, you of all Vampires, sold your soul to us...Don't renege on your deal...You know what we can do", Cartine Charstein said.

                      The Vampires all wore black colored evening gowns, black colored lace bras, black colored stockings, and black high-heeled boots.

                      And black colored lipstick on their bloody mouths.

                     "Declan, we're outnumbered", FBI Agent Kendall Langin said.

                      "Look, all of you freaks have two choice: You can go away and leave without any bloodshed...Or die violently. It's your choice", Declan told the Vampires.

                       And then he rammed one of the brown colored stakes into the heart of Father Dermott McDouglass.

                       And begun to use the hammer to end his life.

                     "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!", the Vampire Priest screamed in agony.

                        Hot blood gushed out of his mouth...and chest.

                         And, as his body thudded on top of the bloody Altar, he died before he had a chance of killing any of the attackers.

The Vampires watched the Priest die.

                          His fangs were sharp.

                           "He died before he could bite us", Karolie said.

                             "FOOLS! NOW YOU'VE BEGUN A WAR!", Sybilla Charstein yelled. And she floated high up into the air...and focused on Declan.

                               "This is not over, Vampire slayer. Once you're alone...your life is over", Sybilla Charstein yelled.

                                And she, and the other Vampires stormed out of The Church of Dead Blood, and vowed the thunder continued to boom loudly...and the heavy New York rain teemed down from the dark sky, without any interruption to its unending anger.


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