Chapter Two-A story of Vampires

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"The story is the Charstein Vampire Family came from Romania. They were Vampires of the Old School. Sybilla was the first of their clan to turn. You see, such horror coudn't be helped back in the 19th century. And then there was The Lounge of Dead Blood. A horrible place where unnatural, evil behavior happened. Girls biting girls...and having sex. And ripping into their veins...and drinking blood from goblets at the place. So obscene...Alas, that was the way of the Vampires back then. Parties...and pure decadence...Society types came all across New York to go there...We have watched Them. They were fuelling the mob in modern times...Make no mistake, we must be prepared for The End...Now, let's go to the New York Church, and get all of the items we need to destroy Them...once and for all", Karolie said, as she made sure Declan and FBI Agent Kendall Langin digested the ominous dark clouds hovered above their if it was a evil portent for the future...A future that was full of blood.

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