Chapters 30- 2.0

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Stacy's POV

He was mad at me. He slept with three pillows between us the whole night. I thought it was funny.

Im the morning he locked me out of the bathroom so I went downstairs.

"Well good morning sunshine" Mel said.

As day light she was here.

"Sunshine? I'm about to me lost in the solar system, your son is mad at me" I told her.

"That's good, that means you did well" She said.

You know I'm seriously worried about this woman. She was enjoying this too much.

"Anyways today I'm to do an ultrasound and I'm not sure if he is going to take me" I said.

"You want me to take you?" She asked.

I would rather Line take me but I can't go alone, Tricia had plans and Jade wasn't answering her phone.

"Well I will ask him and if he says no then I will let you take me" I told her.

I'm going to make everyone work for this baby. All the help I can get I'm going to take it.

"Well I don't have a problem with that" She said.

"Also my sisters are throwing a baby shower for me and they are thinking about doing it at their home but I haven't said anything to him as yet, what you think?" I asked

At this point her opinions matter to me.

"He's not going to want that I can tell you that from now but still tell him" She said.

That's exactly what I thought.

"Alright, Mel please don't say nothing when you see him, just please just don't say nothing at all" I told her.

"Ok, I won't" She said.

I don't fucking believe her. She is going to laugh and make shit worse for me.

Made my way back to the bedroom. He was standing look smooth as fuck and I wanted to laugh but I knew better.

"Baby" I said.

"Stacy just avoid me nuh man" He said.

I chuckled. A wah do stretch? Being without hair made him extra tall.

"Line I have my ultrasound appointment today and I need you to take me" I said.

He was standing there rubbing his chest.

"After you burn me up you want me to take you places?" He asked.

"Don't be childish, I need to get ready, you going to taking me?" I asked.

"Pay me first" He said.

I wish I had some more wax to throw on him.

"Pay you with what?" I asked.

"Me wah cum, you fuck up me yesterday and now me balls dem stiff" He said.

I started laughing.

Alright watch this now.

"Anyways my sisters are throwing a baby shower for me and they want to do it and their place" I said.

He was looking into his boxers for something, I don't know, but he instantly looked up at me.

"Suh what happened to the big rassclaat lawn weh me a pay people to keep green and fresh?" He asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it they just have a big lawn also and knowing you don't like people at your house, using theirs would be a good idea" I said.

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