Meeting Stu

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Daniel had been on the toilet for 3 hours over Grace. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Said Tatum "What if it is a rapist" Maddy said "SHUT THE FUCK UP RETARD" Tatum yelled at them. Tatum opened the door to Stu Macher, the best friend of Billy Loomis who is also a killer. "Who's this?" Says Anakin, angry. "Uh just a friend" Replies Tatum. "Just a friend baby we fuck all the time" says Stu. "you WHAT? YOUR FUCKING THIS RETARDED DOWN SYNDROME BITCH??" Anakin starts screaming at Tatum. Larissa and Andrew come into the room "What the fuck is going on." They both say. Anakin pulls out his lightsaber "YOU RAT LOOKING BITCH" He yells at Stu "Hey man I did nothing to you" Stu tells him. Jabba watches while eating a bowl of Donald Trump and Maddy's shit. "Ay yo the fuck going on here" Says Tatum's  cousin Ashtray. "Ay whats up Stu" he says. Anakin loses his shit "SO NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS RAT MOTHERFUCKER?? NOBODY??" "Hey just calm down bro and chill the fuck out." Fezco says, while walking in the room with his girlfriend Lexi. "Can everyone just calm down please?" Lexi says. Daniel starts singing. " I got some root beer and some ice cold tea I got some root beer and I'm chuggin it down I got some root beer and a couple of beers I got some root beer and I'm chuggin it down" Jabba starts clapping "SCHUTTA SCHUTTA ES BOTOTOON" "Ay Daniel that was a pretty good song" Fezco tells him. Out of nowhere, Anakin slaps Stu in the face. "YOU FUCKING RAT" He yells at Stu. Tatum starts freaking out then Billy and Ashtray pull out guns. "AY GET DOWN MOTHERFUCKER GET DOWN!" Ash screams. Billy drags Anakin by his cloak and starts beating him up, Anakin starts fighting him back. Stu gets up then Anakin runs and kicks him in the nuts "OW WHAT THE FUCK MAN?" Stu freaks out and Tatum starts going insane. Fezco is tired of all the fighting and breaks up the fight between Anakin and Billy. "Yall need to go to some anger management classes or some fuckin shit yall can't be doin this bs everyday we all on probation n shit." Fezco says. Maddy gets Billy to calm down and kidnaps Bill Jensen "SINNERS YOU ARE ALL SINNERS AND WILL PAY!! THIS IS UN CHRISTIAN LIKE!!" Bill has a freak out "SHUT UP" Maddy kicks Bill. Tatum and Stu have period blood sex then Lexi goes and takes Tatum, Stu, and Ashtray all out for ice cream even tho they are all lactose intolerant and will get sick then Tatum and Stu have bloody poop diarreah period sex in a megan is missing torture dungeon. Larissa is having sex with Alan 70 year old man and Maddy is having sex with Billy in Jabba's shit dungeon in his little hut of shit that will go boom. 

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