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Introducing famous tiktok star Daniel Larson. He currently is in a fight with Putin. Daniel, the president of the United States decided to call Putin a bitch, and say he started this shit. Putin got very angry, and kidnapped Daniel's girlfriend, Grace Vanderwaal. Daniel got very mad. Daniel has no license but decided to get into Anakin's old pod racer that smelled absolutely rancid from Anakin and Quinn having sex and getting cum everywhere. Daniel arrives in Ukraine where Putin is holding Grace captive. Daniel finds out Jabba snuck along. They exit the pod and get into the temple where Putin sleeps. "Lil schutta." Putin doesn't wake up. "LIL SCHUTTA!" Jabba yells at Putin. Daniel starts singing. "I got some root beer and some ice cold tea i got some root bear and im chuggin it down." Jabba then sharts out twenty seven gallons of root beer and Putin watches traumatized. Daniel goes to where Grace is kept, and finds Donald Trump, Billy Loomis, and Maddy having sex in a slimy toilet. Jabba sees this. "Me like" and Jabba joins them. Daniel gets Grace out of the smelly slime room. Everyone goes back to America. Anakin and Quinn then go to a cold creepy basement like the one in megan is missing and have torture sex and record found footage snuff films. They drink eachothers blood and piss. Anakin then gets Quinn's blood on his dick as lube and puts it in her. After that they go upstairs and beat the shit out of Matthew Granger for eating all the pizza rolls. Larissa witnesses them beating up Matthew. They throw mini spider man toys at Matthew then goes and watches Harry Potter porn with Andrew Garfield and Snape and have sex. Someone slams a door. It is Trump. He gets mad because Jabba pukes up blue milk. Billy decides to be a dumbass and messes around with Anakin's lightsaber. "This will be perfect for killing." He says. "PUT THAT THE FUCK DOWN YOU DUMBASS JOHNNY DEPP ASS LOOKING ASS BITCH ASS" Quinn yells at him. "Why?" "Ani will slice your nuts off thats his lightsaber." Quinn tells him. "Billy gets scared and goes to see Maddy and walks in on them having sex with Jabba and Jabba farts green doodoo slime everywhere. "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE??? ILL TELL DONALD" Billy yells. "Donaldee he knows me likey Maddy." Jabba says to Billy. Jabba's gremlin monkey barthsciootius crawls out from behind Jabba's bed couch and screetches at Billy. "LIL SCHUTTA LIL SCHUTTA!" Jabba chants, summoning his Hutt family. "LEAVE THEE ROOM LIL SCHUTTA OR BAD BAD WILL HAPPEN!!" Billy runs out of the room and decides to eat mac and cheese with Daniel and his underage girlfriend Grace. Larissa and Andrew join them and Daniel and Andrew make innapropriate jokes at the dinner table. Andrew dips his pizza in a shit ton of ranch. Gallons. GALLONS. Of ranch. He throws up the ranch, as hes eaten so much, his puke is 100% ranch. He dips his pizza in puked up ranch. Daniel says he is a famous celebrity and dancer and he is doing a concert at the kareoke bar and got all that marijuana to smoke on all these bitches. He then sings his song Southside. "BIG MOTHER FUCKING BANK RECORDS THEY TRY TO MAKE ME A MASTERBATER THEY SIT ON THEIR DISCORD ALL DAY JUST yeah" He wakes up the next door neighbors. The Miers family. Paiges family the hotel kids. Maddy comes downstairs and starts singing the sex offender shuffle. After dinner, Anakin and Tatum go to their room and Anakin pees in her. They then play songs by the bands Cannibal Corpse, Injested, and Extermination Dismemberment, on full volume. Jabba is awoken from his slumber by this, and is very angry. But remembers, he cannot fight Anakin, as he is a Jedi Knight, but also a Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. Jabba goes back to laying on his couch and takes a big fat shit on Barthsciootius.

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