Chapter 7

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The next day when I woke up, I yawned and got out of bed. I checked the time. 8:34. I think to myself.

I look around the room for Max, last night I saw them go to sleep. But they didn't talk the entire time. Then I saw Max wasn't there anymore.

Well, maybe they went to eat breakfast with the others?

So I go out of the dorm-room-thing-place and I see no one is in the kitchen. I look out the window and see Annie and Kate riding horses together in the meadow by the barn. Other horses were following and galloping with them. I wanted to join, but I knew they were probably just spending some time together alone so I let it be.

Max is probably out doing something like the others.

So, for the first day here that I'm completely alone, I decided I should explore the area, since I hadn't earlier.

I went to the door, and took my first breath of fresh air all by myself for the first time that I can remember.

I didn't have shoes, but I didn't need any. The grass rubbing against my leg was calming, and my legs were furry and had thicker skin, so I wasn't too bothered. Beautiful wild flowers seemed to grow in bunches, so I decided to pick the pretty white wildflower that grew perfectly. I felt bad picking it but it seemed to call to me. I didn't know why but I was happy to explore the giant island with my new flower friend.

I look up the small hill to my left, I see the cats running and chasing each other in the distance.

This is the most peaceful I've been in a long time... I think to myself.

I don't remember ever feeling like this, it was calm. It was peaceful.

It felt like home.

"HEY CLIFF!" Kate trots up with her horse, stopping just before me.

"Hi Kate." I say, taking a few steps back.

"You won't believe it, Momboo actually caught up to me today while we were riding! She usually goes fast and in circles, but this time she was COMPLETELY by my side!" Kate exclaims, seemingly proud of Annie. I just nod and laugh along as Kate continues to talk about Annie not messing up.

"Hey! I always do great when we ride!" Annie retaliates, "I just did a bit better today." She stumbles off of the horse, causing Kate to break out in laughter.

"MMMM Yes, always...." Kate gets off without missing a beat and walks towards me and Annie as their horses trot off to their herd.

"No one was in the house today." I tell them, "Where do you usually go if you aren't in the cottage?"

"OH! Well, we do several things... None of which come to mind since you just asked..." Annie laughs.

"Oh of course you forget- well, I usually go to the barn to be with the animals or in the forest to hunt for fun." Kate nods towards Annie to continue.

"Oh I usually go down to explore whatever world we're visiting." Annie murmurs quickly. "I also go around gardening, handing out snacks from a picnic basket to the others in case they need some food or water. Uhm... I also fly around for fun since flying will never get boring." Annie shrugs and keeps going. "Oh I also go around with Kate often, if not Kate usually someone else. I'm never alone! Hah!" Annie laughs with that realization.

"Oh thats awesome... what did you mean go down the world we're visiting?" I ask.

Annie cringes at herself for mentioning that and Kate sighs loudly.

"Well, our floating island doesn't just float over nothing now does it? We'll fly over forests or oceans, we most commonly go around the human world Earth since that'll never be boring." Kate states. "And when we go down the island automatically leaves a mushroom- or more commonly known as a fairy- circle on the ground where you appear, and when you step in it, it'll teleport you back to the island. The island doesn't move away, and if it does it leaves a few smaller islands that are used like homing beacons. To find you again."

"Thats cool, can I go down there?" I ask.

"Well, not yet. We have to figure out where you came from this and that- ya'know?" Annie says, obviously not prepared for that question.


"Well, who wants to go find Jinx? They've recently been visiting more, so I want to introduce them to you since they're around."

"Oh well of course they're around NOW-"

"That's enough Kate." Annie said. "Let's go Cliff!"

"I'm going to the barn, bye Cliff, later Momboo!" Kate jumped into the air as she glowed and then a beautiful mare with stripes and a flowing mane appeared and galloped off.

"Okayy... " Annie spoke, turning to me. "Alright let's go find Jinx and Theo."

"I thought you said Jinx?"

"Nah, they're probably dating- they're always together." Annie laughs.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"Oh they're in the lake looking for rocks and crystals." Annie continues, grabbing my wrist and bringing me to her scarily fast walking speed.

"Oh, okay." I ran ahead of her and grabbed a flower from the fields. Annie was watching me curiously, her white dress flowing in the wind and her milk white eyes staring at me with curiosity. I walk back while holding the large dandelion I picked and handed it to her with a smile.

"Oh, thank you!" She puts the flower behind her ear and we continue walking to the lake.

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