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July 9th

It was late. Y/N was way past her curfew when she arrived at her house courtesy of her boyfriend Wade Wilson. "You have fun tonight Babe?" Wade asked as he parked outside your house. "It was awesome," Y/N said tiredly. "I should get going. It's late and we have school tomorrow." Y/N said. "Fine," Wade said before kissing Y/N. What was supposed to be a goodbye kiss turned into a full-on makeout session. "I really should get going," Y/N said, pulling away even though she didn't want to.

"M'kay. Bye, I love you." Wade said as you opened the door. "Love you too! Text me when you get home." Y/N told him getting out of her boyfriend's car.

She watched him leave then started making her way up to the door and quietly opened it thanking the gods when nobody was downstairs. She then quickly and quietly made her way to her room and walked inside quickly but was shocked to see her fathers looking at her with matching unimpressed looks.

"Hey, guys. W-what are you doing in my room?" Y/N when she knew why they were there. Her dad's just seemed to frown more.

"Y/N Y/M/N Stark-Rogers do you have any idea what the time is right now?" Pops asked in a stern tone making Y/N wince on the inside. "I-uh it's 2:47 am." She replied. "And what time is your curfew?" Dad asked. "1:00 am," Y/N answered.

"Why are you almost 2 hours late then?" Dad asked. "My phone died," Y/N answered. "Y/N we live in the 21'st century and every single person your age has a cell phone. You could've asked to use someone's phone and give us a call at the least." Pops said. "Sorry. It won't happen again." Y/N said, looking at the ground.

"That's the thing Y/N. You say you won't do it again but this is the 10th time you have done something like this. Do you realize how worried your father and I have been? We didn't know where you were, who you were with or why you were late. You're going to start University across the country. If you're pulling shit like this right now how will we ever know you're safe." Dad angrily said bringing tears to Y/N's eyes which she quickly blinked away.

"Tony calm down," Pops said trying to calm dad down but he just turned to his husband and looked at him with a glare.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down Steve! She could've been dead and we wouldn't have known. Also where the hell did you get that dress it's not appropriate for someone your age. I don't remember you going with either of us or any of your aunts. Where did you get it from?" Dad demanded.

"I- Wade got it for me," Y/N whispered. She watched her Dad scoff and turn around to Pops. Y/N could see, that both of her parents were having a conversation with their eyes only, which she and her siblings found creepy.

Speaking of siblings Y/N had 4. Harley, Peter, Sarah and Morgan. Harley was 16, Peter was 14, Sarah was 8 and Morgan was 5. All 5 kids were adopted by Steve and Tony.

"Y/N we don't want you seeing Wade anymore," Pops said softly causing Y/N's head to snap up. "Y-you can't do that," Y/N said in disbelief. "We only want what's best for you Y/N and we think you and Wade being together isn't good for you," Pops said.

"No no no," Y/N muttered. "Wade is the best person for me. He helped me with so many things." Y/N argued. "Y/N-" Dad tried saying. "No stop, I don't want to hear any more of the bullshit you want to say. I-I'm going to Aunt Nat and Uncle Bucky's." Y/N said sniffling and walking angrily past her dad's and going to her closet to get a bag and put all of her necessities in there.

"Y/N-" Pops tried saying but Dad stopped him saying she needed space right now and Y/N was grateful for that.

Without saying anything she stormed out of the house and into her car where she cried for a bit and let her phone charge so she could call her Aunt.

"Y/N what are you doing up?" Aunt Nat asked. "Sorry if I woke you up but I was wondering if I could come over and stay with you and Uncle Bucky for a bit," Y/N said sniffling a couple of times. "Дорогой (Sweetheart) are you okay?" Aunt Nat asked concerned. "C-can I tell you about it when I get there?" Y/N asked softly. "Yeah of course. Drive safely дорогой." Aunt Nat said and Y/N hung up after saying bye.

"Y/N, I got the guest room ready for you." Aunt Nat said when she arrived. "Thank you." She quietly replied. "You get some rest and we'll talk about this tomorrow." Aunt Nat said. "Okay. Goodnight." Y/N said. "Goodnight дорогой," Natasha said and they both made their way to their respective rooms.

But Y/N barely slept that night.

Votes and Comments are appreciated <3

July 9th ~ Wade Wilson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now