This is for the girls

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This is for the girls

Who try to be perfect

This is for the girls

That try to fit in

This is for the girls

That never give up

And the girls

That never give in.

Take your make-up

Throw it all away

Take back them skinny jeans

That aren't comfy anyway

Stop trying so hard

To try and fit in

Be yourself

Embrace it

Don't paint your face

Don't be afraid

Don't try to hide away

Stand out in the crowd

Be yourself

Is what I'm trying to say.

So take back them skinny jeans

That weren't comfy anyway

And stop trying so hard

Don't hide yourself away

This is for the girls that

Don't want to follow the crowd

And want to be

what they want

They try their best

Doing what they do

This for the girls

Who have people

People who love you

For being you.

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