Birth of the Forest 15.

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"Mito-sama, I am afraid Danzo actually has a following. He swayed many Jounin to his side with that speech of his...If ROOT is officially reinstated I am afraid Konoha will be split right down the middle" said Jiraiya gravely.

The two were walking down the garden Naruto had created during his first meeting with Mito in this life. Surprising them all, Danzo had asked for reinstating the ROOT division of the ANBU. Many Shinobi thought he would ask for weaponizing Naruto Uzumaki or Uchiha Sasuke. Or even worse: both.

His speech was very stirring and the reasons he gave were actually valid. If ROOT had the clandestine support of the administration then it could use its anonymity and freedom to carry out missions even the ANBU could not.

"My husband would never stand for Danzo's brutal training, Jiraiya. But the fact is...I somewhat agree with Danzo" she said causing Jiraiya's eyes to widen. "Don't be so alarmed. If we can convince him to drop or at least lessen his emotion wiping, the ROOT will be a great resource for Konoha. Hiruzen, I think, was a little too hasty in disbanding that division" she finished. Jiraiya frowned, thinking it over.

"I still don't think Naruto will ever stand for ROOT's reinstatement. Neither would Minato, nor will I. Ninja are human, Mito-sama...we are not emotionless killers. I would prefer Konoha not to sully itself with Danzo's atrocious schemes" he said strongly.

Mito sighed. "Leave it be, Jiraiya. I will defer to my husband's decision in this matter...Has your spy network uncovered any news of Akatsuki?"

"Rumours only, Mito-sama. Akatsuki seem to be getting ready for some sort of mission, and they are beginning to establish a small township of their own in Iwa. I am afraid they are beginning to become a concrete entity instead of some obscure organization of criminals. Orochimaru is gathering missing nins at Otogakure and Takigakure has Akatsuki presence. Ame is closed to all foreign Shinobi" he listed off.

"Then I guess you received the same intel about Suna as I did?" asked Mito. Jiraiya nodded, "If you are talking about Suna trying to retrieve their Jinchuuriki from Kumo, then yes. Akatsuki might have a hand in that move, but I doubt it. I think Suna is acting separately from Akatsuki this once. Now that Naruto is going there I think our alliance with Kumo will be rock solid. No one in Suna can beat our Naruto" he said proud of his godson.

"Of that we can be sure" agreed Mito, as they used the shunshin to gracefully enter the village.


"Do you really think this is wise, Pain?" asked Itachi as they casually walked towards the Hidden Village of cloud. Pain was striding forward purposefully, his robes fluttering in the fierce wind that was whipping up in the forest. Itachi did not think that they would escape unscathed if they were to execute this plan.

"Yes, Itachi. Akatsuki needs the Bijuu eventually, and we cannot have Suna making a move on the Ichibi Jinchuuriki so soon. What we can do however, is capturing Ichibi and Niibi when they are both in the same place and then keep them in captivity, and then get ready for the sealing technique."

Itachi gave an infinitesimal nod, and continued his walk. Kumo was home to many strong ninja and he wondered how they were to penetrate the tight defence and capture Sabaku no Gaara.

"I assume you don't want to infiltrate the Village?" asked Itachi, sure of Pain's answer. The man had a deep-seated belief that he was God, and acted the way he perceived a god should act. Sure enough, Pain replied:

"I am God, Itachi. God needs no deception to accomplish his aims...we simply attack Kumo, extract the Jinchuuriki and get back to base. If they stand in our way I will have to annihilate them" declared Pain.

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