Jotaro x Kakyoin Fluff!💕

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I suppose this is a different au where kakyoin doesn't die

This was a quite a few months after everything in Egypt had happened. Everything was more than difficult for everyone, especially for Noriaki Kakyoin. He had surgeries on top of surgeries. At this point he didn't know if he was ever going to get any better. He was barely 18 now, he'd spent his birthday in the hospital. Sure, he wasn't in the best state but he was happy to at least be alive. He was alive and he was surviving at least. Most days though, he would be visited by his wonderful friend Jotaro. Usually only him and his parents would visit.

For Noriaki, the day started like any other, just a normal day alone in the hospital. It was a early Thursday morning. He was enjoying his hospital jello which he was absolutely tearing up. It was just his usual Thursday activities. After a few hours, he would have to go to physical therapy, then visitor hours would be open. He was more or less living at a rehab center, not really a hospital. He looked up as he heard footsteps outside of his room, he supposed it was probably just a nurse who was coming to check on him soon. He rolled his eyes and sat up in bed with a small huff. It was quite painful to have to sit up in bed. He had quite a few replacement organs thanks to the speed wagon foundation.
Well whoever it was who was on the other side of the door knocked in a familiar pattern before just letting themself into the room. Noriaki was expecting a nurse to be letting themselves into his room but he was shocked to see Jotaro there. His lips parted a little as he watched the male sit down into the chair that was reserved for guests.
"You know visitor hours haven't started yet right?" Noriaki spoke softly and looked up and over to the other male, tilting his head to the side a little bit. He got no response from the male. "Uh..Jojo?" He said and waved his hand a little bit. What even was this male doing here! It wasn't even close to visitor hours and today wasn't his day to see him! "Jotaro? Hello?" He spoke again, desperately trying to get this man's attention. "You know you'll get in trouble for being here rig-" he was quickly cut off by the other male speaking. "Oh shut up Noriaki." The others voice sent a shiver down Noriakis spine. They sat there for quite a while in silence until one of the nurses walked in with a smile on her face. "Oh! Mr. Kakyoin, Jotaro here has volunteered to work with you for the rest of your time here! We've become short staffed and in need of help. He was so sweet to volunteer!" The nurse spoke in such a happy voice
Noriaki couldn't help but glance to Jotaro who had such a smug look on his face. He rolled his eyes at the others stupid look and sighed.

With a little bit of help from Jotaro, Noriaki stood from his bed and to his wheelchair where he would reside until they made it to the therapy room. He looked back to Jotaro as they other pushed him in his wheelchair. "So.. Jotaro, why did you decide to volunteer? This is so unlike you.." he said simply and glance forward. "You have no reason to worry Nori. I just felt like helping out" The other had such a cool and reassuring tone to his voice and that made Noriaki not want to question the others motives anymore. He was still curious though.. Plus, he himself had just the biggest crush on the male. The other had shown him so much care ever since Egypt. He couldn't help but just fall in love with the male..

A little while after the physical therapy had happened, Jotaro had taken Noriaki back to his room. He was scooped out of the wheelchair and gently put back into the bed. "So, are you going to be a stay over night type of nurse?" He asked, obviously as a joke. What shocked him was the males response. "Actually, yes, I am." Jotaro spoke and sat down in the chair he originally sat in.
Noriaki fiddled with his fingers as he stared down quietly. "What's bothering you Noriaki?" Jotaro asked simply and stared to the male. Noriaki rubbed  the back of his neck and looked away. He decided he just wasn't going to answer. "Hey, don't ignore me." Jotaro spoke and crossed his arms. There was no way Noriaki could ignore him now. So he just spilled. "You're just so cool Jojo! Here you are taking care of me! You could be with anyone but you chose to take care of me! I don't need it! I don't know why you chose to take care of me.. you should go be living your best life!" He exclaimed and grabbed onto his blanket. He looked over to the male upon hearing him chuckle, then hearing the male light a cigarette. Noriaki grit his teeth together just as the other began to speak. "I really care for you Noriaki, that's why i choose to take care of you. You're my best friend. I don't wan-" he was cut off by the other just bluntly being stupid and saying something out of nowhere. "Will you be my boyfriend Jojo?" He asked just out of no where and so out of the blue. It left Jotaro red in the face. "Good grief.." He shook his head and shrugged a little. "You could've taken me to dinner before asking me to be your boyfriend.. but sure. Of course I will Nori."

Happy rehab times

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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