Chapter 8

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Naruto pov

There was a rock following me I went left and right but I new who it was.

There's no such thinks as squared rocked isn't complete Obie's I said.

A huge light came out the rock

And came out konoharmaro and two other kids I don't know .

Sakura came as well
A ninja playing ninja that's so tacky sakura said

My ninja skills are worse then his sakura thoughts
I I get i get it your a smooth operated boss , come on I now that she's you girl friend konoharmro said holding his peaky.

Well you came tell she's really crazy about me huh

That's it sakura said yelled and hit me .
Boss konoharmaro yelled

Naruto hit the fence and left a dent .

The other two went to to check on home
We got to check his pals  one of the kids said .

Your which and your ugly to konoharmaro said
  she walked over to Konohamaru backed away and he yelled for a final glad to say goodbye.

walked away with her hands on her side.

I don't  think she'sHuman did you see how wide her forehead is  konoharmaro said .

Sakura turnd  around slowly
We all froze

She came running after us Intel
Konoharmaro bummed into some one .

Sakura pov

That head band it's the  village hidden in the sand .
They pick konoharmaro up by his caller  and  saying when a runt like this I just what to brack him in half .

Mazuko pov

We're should we go yaso said .

How about we go.
Hold on yaso guys do you feel that I said .

I feel it akio replied.

We noted  and jumpy on the tree .

Naruto pov

That's it let him go I yelled !!
Marking threats isn't going to help Naruto sakura yelled grabbing my neck .

I'll finish this runt then I'll wast the other one the boy said .

Noooo I yelled.

Mazuko pov
I was at the tree and some hidden sand genin are about to hit konoharmaro .

Should we do something yaso said .

No I want to see what Naruto could do to save his friend .

Send ninja pov

I was about to hit this random Brent until a pitbull head hit my arm I looked up to the tree and I see some other squirt to deal with.


Naruto pov

We all looked up when we see that pebble that hit that saying bullies arm and we looked up we see the amazing Sasuke.

Sasuke sakura yelled .

Get lost he said and crumbled the people that was in his hand.

Mazuko pov

I saw from the roof that sasuke   had gotten there in time even though if Naruto didn't do anything afterwards I have to say he did do a pretty good job I said to myself.

Great another score to take me off the sand village and then just said the girl behind them looked terrified when he pulled out that strange rap thing on his back she said are you going to use the crow for this .

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