10.5. Count Down in the Background

Start from the beginning

Keine:"No, you don't. That is unless you tell us why you decided to run rampant in the village, to which we will let you off scott free without any issues."

???:"What is this?! An army camp? I have the right to remain silent!"

Keine:"And why is that exactly?"

???:"The fifth amendment of the United States Constitution says so and I have proof!"

Keine:"The United what? I never heard of it."

???:"Well I do so let me go already!"

Keine along side the entire crowd were confused by the fairies mindless blabber about whatever this constitution thing was and it was obvious to everyone that this was going nowhere and Keine was quick to act on it.

"What do we do?" One of the guards calmly asked Keine as she stared at the fairy with a determined look on her face before giving in and letting out a audible sigh.

"Just dump her somewhere outside the village, it's obvious that she won't say a word." Keine gave in as she motioned her head in defeat, pinching the bridge of her nose as she did so right as The guards lifted the fairy off the ground and began dragging her towards one of the exits leading out of the village moments before the crowd dispersed now that this who ordeal was over, leaving Keine standing alone and visible frustrated with what just went down, and I'm not one to judge but I could sorta relate to her right about now seeing as how little luck I have with finding Imouto-Sama.

"Oh hey, Keine! What'cha up to?" I asked in a friendly tone as I approached Keine who seemed generally surprised to see me here.

"Ah, Meiling. What brings you to the village?" Keine inquired with a slightly surprised face as she finally looked up from the ground and towards me.

"Well, I was just around lookin' for Imou- I mean enjoying my short vacation." I explained, managing to stop myself from mentioning Imouto-Sama at the very last moment. If I were to mention Imouto-Sama to Keine then god knows what will happen if people find out Imouto-Sama is on the loose, they'd loose their heads!

"Well that's great to hear, but I need to get going. There's been a attacking on the village two days ago by a fairy from hell and I still need to make sure that all the villagers that came in contact with her are safe and unharmed. I also have to look into claims made by some of the villagers who claimed to see a girl with a odd pair of branch like wings hail attacks down at the village as well." Keine informed me with a regrettable look smeared on her face as she started to walk past me, seemingly busy with work which was fine and dandy with me after what I just heard.

"A girl with branch like wings, huh?" I whispered to myself as a smile rose on my face, it had to be Imouto-Sama, there's no doubt about it.

She is somewhere in this village, and I'll find her!

---------- Reisen Pov ----------

Walking in the direction of the patient's room. I had a roll of bandages as well as another dose of pain killers readied in my hand, prepared to apply them to him but the thought of what must have happened to him still sort of puzzles me. One of the scarlet sisters brings him here before flying off, then Junko comes over claiming to be his mother and then he tries to escape. That's not exactly something you see every day.

"Sorry to intrude but I have your treatment read-" I apologized as I opened the door to the room that he stayed at but as I peered at the bed where he was last laying in, I was quickly met with one of the worst fears I could possibly have.

The room... 

It was empty...

Instinctively dropping the roll of bandages as well as the syringe that had the pain killers in it, I rushed towards where master was without even wasting a single breath, dashing as quickly as I could without even taking a single breath.

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