Chapter 3: can i got back to school or not?

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Sophia: Jules, we gotta go. It's almost 3.
Kenzie: Why, what's happening at 3?
Jayden: yeah?
Sophia: dog rescue.
Jules: piano lesson.
Sophia: We are gonna try and teach dogs how to play the piano. It's such a cool learning experience.
Jules: it calms them right down.
Sophia: it drifts them off to sleep, as well.
Sophia's pov: we leave and walk outside.
Jules: Hey, what if the doctor doesn't clear me for school?
Sophia: He will, I know it.
Jules: I hope so. I don't wanna miss being there.
Sophia: And you won't. But just in case my fingers are crossed.
Jules: already ahead of you.
Jules pov: we continue to walk, forgetting about avi on the rope attached to sophia.
Avi's pov: runs into the door, very hard and fast.
Avi: owww! Thanks sis.
Sophia: oooops.
Sophia's pov: I go back and helps him up.
Sophia: Sorry little bro.
Avi: It's okay, it only hurts a little bit.
Sophia's pov: We headed back home and heads into jules house.
Jules: Okay, we are here. Take off your shoes, as we need to make it look like that we come home straight away. After my appointment, even though we sooooo...didn't
Jules pov: jumps on the couch and pretends to sleep.
Emma's pov: walks in.
Jules pov: wakes up.
Jules: oh...hey mum!
Emma's pov: puts my purse down.
Emma: Sweetie, I'm sorry. I couldn't get out of work early. I always hate missing your chemo sessions *kiss your head* did it go?
Jules: It went super great. We both...came straight home, I also took a nap. And that's pretty much it.
Emma: You came straight home, did ya?
Jules: Of course I did, we had a deal. So why even ask that?
Emma: is this your coffee?
Jules: yeah, from...yesterday.
Emma: *grabs it* So how come it's still very warm?
Jules: um...climate change. It's a weird thing that's happening.
Emma: hi, sophia.
Sophia's pov: I end up cracking down under pressure.
Sophia: We hung out at the coffee shop.
Jules: soph.
Sophia: I'm sorry...there was just so much tension in the air.
Emma: Jules, you know not to get yourself tired, due to your chemo.
Jules: Mum, I'm not even a little tired. I promise.
Emma: Okay, I believe you.
Jules: Mum, you worry way too much.
Emma: It's what I do best.
Jules: Has the doctor phoned yet?
Emma: no, not yet! Also we will talk about your nap skipping later, when Sophia can't hear me yell.
Sophia: no, it's okay. We hear you pretty well from next door.
Emma's Pov: laughs and walks away.
Jules: haha, talk about food in your mouth.
Sophia: hush, i didn't mean to say that,
Carson's pov: walks in from playing basketball.
Carson: Hey, jules.
Jules: ew, gross! You're all sweaty, that's literally disgusting.
Carson: Yeah, I know.
Carson pov: hugs jules.
Jules pov: messes up his hair.
Carson: woah, not the hair, u know not the hair. Carson's pov: notices, sophia staring at me.
Carson: hi, sophia. 
Sophia: wow! I'm grateful...oh wait you didn't ask that...but i really am. I mean. Yeah, not trying to brag, I'm just...saying. Okay, imma shut up now.
Carson: Okay, then.
Carson's pov: heads to the fridge.
Jules: seriously?
Sophia: What do you mean?
Jules: you having a crush on carson? That's absolutely disgusting! You've known each other since you were five years old. Now suddenly you're crazy for him?
Sophia: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jules: You do know he farts.
Sophia: No he doesn't.
Jules: how do you know?
Sophia: cause i do.
Carson: Damn it! We are out of milk!
Sophia: That's not good! As milk is really important!
Jules: wow!
Sophia: But water is also just as good!
Carson's pov: looks into a frying pan at my hair.
Sophia: It's puffy in the very back.
Carson: nope, it's good.
Jules: soph, is right.
Carson: It's all good, as I look good.
Emma: *walks in* That's a frying pan, not a mirror.
Carson: Sorry, mum.
Emma: Hey, sweetie. Look at this. You have a note from your principal. She has put: "she's aware of your condition and situation, and we can count on her help and support we need with our treatment." So...that's cool.
Jules: Clearly, you have no idea what cool actually means, cause it definitely doesn't mean being besties with the principle.
Emma: Yeah, I know. But at least someone will be there at the school apart from Sophia, who knows what's happening with you.
Jules: Okay, fine.
Carson: The principle is awful and very horrible. I literally got a week of detention for just skipping homeroom, which is very stupid in my opinon. Literally no one can stand her so much so... we call her Ugly Trugly.
Jules pov: laughs.
Emma: That is horrible and mean.
Jules: yeah, very mean.
Sophia: Very juvenile.
Emma: We called her the same thing.
Sophia: You went to our school?
Emma: yep i did your mum and sasha. Truly loved your father with a passion. He was so sucked up to her with everything.
Jules: That sounds like dad.
Emma: Yep, sure. Hold up, let's get back to you skipping homeroom mister! *the phone goes*
Carson: later as that sounds important.
Jules: Maybe it's the doctor. Ugh, it's just dad.
Carson: Tell him we need...
Jules: Ignore.
Carson: milk. *another phone go off*
Jules: It's just dad again. *declines the call* Why can't he send just a simple text? Instead of calling. *ends it phone goes off* Mum, it's the doctor. Answer, answer.
Emma: *answers the phone* Hello, Doctor pashkov.
Doctor: Hello, Miss leblanc. Jules is allowed to start school on monday.
Emma: oh, yay! That's wonderful news.
Jules pov: me and sophia start jumping in excitement.
Doctor: But she can't do any physical activities.
Emma: yh, of course not.
Jules pov: we stop jumping.
Doctor: but she can stay of the whole day,
Emma: Oh that's good.
Jules pov: we start to jump.
Doctor: she'll need to come home straight after school, to prevent the germs from spreading etc.
Emma: yep, i totally understand.
Jules pov: we stop again.
Jules: Mum, you're actually killing me here! Yes or no!?
Emma: Sorry doc, yes you can.
Emma's pov: goes back to on the phone and walks to the otherside of the kitchen.
Jules pov: jumping excitedly
Jules: wooohooo. That's right. Yay! Going to highschool. Starting monday! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Woohoo!
Sophia: yay! I'm so relieved, but omg that's in three days! What are we going to wear?
Jules: You need to breathe and I'll work on outfits.
Jules pov: we both run upstairs into my room.

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