Chapter 9: Picking out our wigs

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Jules pov: After what seems like a really long car ride with my mum, me and Sophia finally arrive at the mall. So we went to go and find the wig store which took us like 20 minutes to find. As soon as we found it we went right into the shop and straight over to the wigs.
Sophia: Okay, let's hurry this shopping up. As we really wouldn't want to run into anyone we know.
Jules: Sophia, chill out will ya. Because I really don't think that any of our friends would be shopping for back to school wigs.
Sophia's pov: My phone started to Chime and it was from Kenzie and Jayden. So I read it out to Jules.
Sophia: It says "Are you girls ignoring us?" What should I say?
Jules: Just make something up.
Sophia: I feel bad lying to them.
Jules: You are such a good person, Sophia.
Jules pov: I take her phone and send them a random message that says...
Jules: "We are getting on a plane. And we have to turn our phones off."  sent.
Sophia: Oh great! Really? We have to tell them more ridiculous lies. But where am I going? Do I have a window seat? Is there a layover?
Jules pov: I literally walked away half way through that conversation. But eventually she realised that I left. And came over to try on some funky wigs with me. Which made us laugh so much and it was actually quite fun until a store assistant came over, after we knocked something over.
Assistant: If you girls are here to play, there's actually a ball pit down the hall at chuck-E-Cheese.
Jules: Sorry. Ma'am. But getting to laugh is actually a rare treat for me.
Jules pov: takes off the wig so she's that i have cancer and fakes coughs.
Assistant: oh. Oh, by all means, have fun! *chuckles* Enjoy! Laugh! Laugh.
Sophia's pov: The lady walks away and I take off the bowa and the black wig.
Sophia: Okay, that's enough play time. As we should probably start looking for our real wigs.  
Jules: I actually really like the one you have on. To be honest, As it says. "Bonjour, croissant."
Sophia's pov: picks up one that looks like my natural hair colour.
Sophia: But this one says to me that "I'm bald, but wearing a wig that looks like my real hair would be good so then no one will ever know."
Jules: That's definitely a chatty wig.
Sophia's pov: as Jules walks away to go and tries hers on. I took a look at the price tag and it was expensive.
Sophia: Oh, £300?
Jules: What? Is everything okay?
Sophia: Uh....yeah, everything is great. But I just think that we haven't fully considered all of the wigs that they have.
Sophia's pov: checks all the price tags and fully finds a really cheap one.
Sophia: Oh, sweet £50.
Sophia's pov: I groaned a little bit at the colour but I went with it anyways. I really don't like this shade of pink, but I hate blue even more to be honest. But when I turned around I saw Jules giving me a weird look.
Sophia: oh yay, I love these.
Jules pov: takes of the one I have on.
Jules: Really?
Sophia's pov: only for the money I do.
Sophia: Yes, really.
Jules: Okay.
Jules pov: I tried on the blue one and it actually looks ok.
Jules: Let's get both.
Sophia: No, let's just get the fun ones. So then, that way we can always have lots of fun all the time. Fun, Fun, Fun!
Sophia's pov: But when I looked up after I was looking at the other wig I saw our friends walking in.
Sophia: Oh, no! It's Kenzie and Jayden.
Jules: Hide!
Sophia's pov: we both quickly ducked down, so that they couldn't see us. Then they walked into a different section so they thought it was clear.
Jules: go, go, go.
Sophia's pov: then they came back into the section that we were in but they didn't see us.
Kenzie: Hey, why don't we try on some wigs...and then we can pretend to be like Katy Perry. What do you think?
Jayden: Sure, let's do it. I'm down.
Kenzie: The last time I tried on wigs, I got a load of lice.
Jayden: And that's that done, cause I don't want that happening. Thank you very much.
Jayden's pov: and then my phone goes off.
Jayden: ugh, my mum is here. She's in a hurry.
Jayden's pov: but then I see this really cute bag that i like so I grabbed it.
Jules pov: then at that moment we both bolted with the wigs on.
Jayden's pov: then I got another text.
Jayden: She also says that she's not waiting this time.
Kenzie: I still don't get why you taught her how to text?
Kemize's pov: we both leave to go and find Jayden's mum.
Sophia's pov: the security guy caught us and brought us abc to the store.
Sophia: This is just a big misunderstanding, okay? We didn't mean to.
Jules: I'm really sorry officer. Sometimes I get over tired and I just forget to do...somethings that I normally would do. We didnt mean for this to happen.
Jules pov: I take off my wig and he sees that I have cancer also.
Security guard: Ahhh, you poor thing! My niece also has cancer. But she doesn't steal. So your only options are that, you either pay for these wigs, or you're going to jail.
Jules: Yeah, we are going to pay.
Security guard: Yeah. I love my job so much.
Jules pov: We go and pay.
Sophia's pov: but then I started to feel guilty. As I know I should've told her the truth that we really didn't have the money. But I just couldn't tell her. And i also know that my mum is going to be really mad, but i couldn't tell my bestie the truth. Or the officer so I just went and did it without thinking. Which probably wasn't the best idea. On my part, so i'm just going to have to hope my mum doesn't realise. Ok, i might just say the truth, but i'll wait and see what happens. So I paid for them then we slowly started to walk back home.

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