Chapter 41 - Everything Arranged

Comenzar desde el principio

-"Actually I offered"

-"And why did you do such a thing?" she questioned.

-"To avoid Stavros and Melina meet. You know what will happen if these two meet..." I explained.

-"Hmmm ... and what are you going to say to him?" Tina asked.

-"I have something in mind....."

-"First of all you must know that Melina is currying Stavros' child" Tina said in a serious way.

-"What? Is it true?" I asked incredulously. "This information changes everything! If Stavros finds out he won't leave Melina no matter what we tell him".

-"Of course it is! Do you think I would joke with such things?" Tina scolded me and continued "We must do everything we can to keep it in secret."

-"It isn't something you can hide forever, don't you think?" Ι contradicted.

-"I know that, you idiot! I just want to buy some time so we can claim that the baby belongs to George instead of Stavros'"

-"What? No, no, I do not want to be involved in this scam. What will happen if Stavros finds out?"

-"How will he know?"

-"If Melina finds her memory again, everything will be revealed".

-"Even if she finds her memory, I will convince her that the child belongs to George."

-"No, no this is very dangerous. I cannot risk it! Besides, I do not want to be the cause of separating a father from his child."

-"Nonsense! If you do not want to do it, Stavros will return to his wife, while you will be left alone. So what do you prefer?"

-"Ι....Ι don't know.....Give me some time to think about it"

-"You have nothing to think about. You have agreed to participate in all this. You can't back out now"

-"You know ... the truth is that since Melina left Stavros, he spends more time with me. It reminds me of the good old days between us!"

-"You see?" Tina said and kept on "Anyway what are you going to tell him about your today visit?"

-"That Melina is reluctant to return to him, that she didn't believe anything I told her and that she insists on getting a divorce. What do you think?"

-"Just excellent! I could not think of anything better myself!" Τina commented happily. "The only problem we have is that we have to make Melina sign the divorce documents."

-"So get her sign them" Ι suggested.

-"She didn't forget how to read you idiot! She has only amnesia!" Tina reasoned.

-"You'll think of something" I told her trying to encourage her.

-"I don't need your encouragement. I know what I am capable of! Now if you don't have anything else to say you can go. I have many things to do!" Tina said disparangly.

-"Ok, ok I am leaving" I said and got up.

-"Do not forget to inform me about Stavros' reaction when you tell him the news!"

-"Don't worry I will"

When I left Andreadakis' mansion I went straight to the restaurant where Stavros and I have arranged to meet earlier. I got in and after scanning the area, I found Stavros sitting on a table waiting for me. I headed to his table. When Stavros realized my presence he stood up and helped me sit. He seemed anxious, desperate, sad. I have never seen him in a similar situation before. It was obvious that the whole issue had affected him a lot. I hope when I tell him the news he understands and decides to go on with his life.

-"How are you?" I asked him.

-"Fine" he said curtly. "Did you see Melina?" he asked in agony.

-"Yes, I did" I confirmed.

-"And?" he wondered desperately.

-"She is unrepentant. She insists on getting a divorce" I told him firmly.

-"Did you explain the situation to her?"

-"I tried but she was adamant. She didn't want to hear anything about it. She is convinced that you cheated on her with me"

-"Did you explain to her that nothing happened between us?"

-"Although you know that's not true, I did" I told him sadly.

-"Are you sure you tried hard enough?"

-"Yes Stavros. Although it hurt me, I did my best" I assured him although the way he handled the issue between us hurt me.

-"And? Don't make me wait" he exclaimed.

-"She prefers to stay with George. She said that she loves him very much and that they will get married soon!"

-"Nooooooo! She can't do this to me! She doesn't love him. These are all lies!" Stavros said angrily. He behaved like a wild animal. Everyone was staring at us. I gently put my hand on his and looked at him intensely pointing to the people around us. He gave me a disapproval look.

-"Do you accuse me of lying?" I asked calmly after several seconds of silence. I felt offended and betrayed. My eyes were watery already.

-"No, no Christine. I didn't mean it in that way. I am just desperate. Don't you see? I can't lose her!" he said sincerely.

His words broke my heart in many pieces. I have never seen him behave like that. He really loved this woman. I began to feel guilty that I also contributed to his misery with my actions. At some point I wanted to reveal everything to him. But I did not. I held back my urge. I knew that if I did, I would lose him forever. No, I could not lose him! This was the only chance I had to win him back.

-"I understand Stavros but this is the situation and you have to accept it! Melina is done with you. She doesn't love you. In fact, she never did if she acts like that. She doesn't even want to give you a chance to explain. If you love her a little, give her the divorce to live happily with the man she loves. That was exactly her words. "


-"I am sorry Stavros but eventually you will have to do it!"

-"No, I won't. I will never give up on her no matter what! Do you understand?" he said firmly. He didn't eat a single bite from his food and he ordered a whisky. He drank it in a sip. 

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