Little Lionheart (Dylan)

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Trigger warning!!
Some bits in this story may be upsetting for some readers.
Mentions of Death, Cancer and sadness.


"Mammi!! Mammi!!" Her cries never stopped as she called for her mother over, and over, and over again.

Dylan rushed into the nursery stopping at the side of the bed. The kid looked at him, tears in her eyes as she continued to weep. Dylan rested his hands on her small forearms. "Hey, hey, you're alright. You're okay, don't worry" He hushed.

"I want Mammi, I want Mammi" She continued to wail. Dylan shushed her.

"Mammi, mammi is..out at the moment" Dylan lied, tears welling up in his own eyes as he gazed into his daughter's E/c ones. They looked exactly like Y/n's. "Don't worry, I'm here for you" He reassured, sitting beside her and wrapping his arms around her small frame.

Her audible sobs turned into quiet sniffles as she relaxed into his chest.
"Dad's here, Dadda's here. I'll protect you till the end of the time, you know that..right?" He whispered. She nodded.

Lenny nodded, her eyes dropping as sleep finally caught up to her. She fell asleep against Dylan's chest as he kissed her head gently and lovingly.

"My little Lionheart" Dylan whispered. "You're braver than you think. Just like your mom said" He whispered some more. He slowly got up, resting his daughter back onto the bed. He tucked her in comfortably before bending down to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight. I love you"

As he stood up straighter, heading towards the door, he stopped when he heard Lenny say. "I love you too, Daddy"

He smiled softly at that. That was the first time Lenny had said she loved him after her mother died. He was glad he was getting her out of her shell again.

He closed the door gently and quietly, hearing it click shut. He smiled more before looking towards a photo on the wall to his right.

It was an old photo of when he and Y/n were just teenagers, years before Y/n had found out she had cancer. Her arm was around his neck, his arm around her waist. And in the other, they both held their own ice-creams. Y/n was laughing at Dylan for having a drip of melted ice-cream on his nose while Dylan just smiled back at her with love in his eyes.

They were the best together, loving eachother to the ends of the world. But then that day came where Y/n had collapsed in the kitchen, Dylan coming home and seeing her on the floor. He had panicked, calling an ambulance that arrived 20 minutes later. He was crying so hard his throat had gone raw. He couldn't speak as he sat beside her in the ambulance, couldn't move.

It was like he was paralysed, he didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think. As a medic asked him a series of questions as to how Y/n got in that state, he just shook his head and replied in a hourse voice. "I just came home to her on the floor, I- I don't know what happened"

Turns out she had a tumour. Glioblastoma, cancer of the brain.
Up to 3 years of doing physiotherapy, getting medication, trying to get better, she was free of cancer. The two settled down, blessed themselves with a child, naming her Lenny.

And when Lenny was 4 years old, at her play school, the cancer came back.
This time it was worse, much much worse. Y/n was confined to her hospital bed, Dylan visiting her every moment he could. He would leave to collect Lenny, bring her in to visit her mother. Lenny would lie in bed with Y/n, her mother hugging her from behind so that Lenny couldn't see the tears in her eyes.

Y/n knew. She knew she was going to die and she had to be prepared for it. She had to prepare her family for it the most. When Dylan left to get a coffee, Y/n spoke quietly with Lenny.

"Lenny, there will come a time when I will leave you, and that time is soon. I won't leave forever, though. I will see you again. Because you are my gift from above. And I will always watch out for you, from my bed in the stars"

That night, the world had got a little bit colder.

Y/n had died just before Christmas day, blessing the sky with a white cloud of snow. Lenny loved the snow. She spent the day, playing in it after she had opened her final gift from her mother.

And once she had opened the big wrapped present, she gasped to see a labrador puppy sitting in it, looking up at her with shining eyes.

She had named the dog, 'Angel'. As Lenny and Angel played in the snow outside, Dylan wept in the kitchen, sobbing his broken heart out.

"Y/ do I tell her?" He cried. "It's- It's gonna break her heart, I-" He sobbed some more, hiding his face in his palms, resting his elbows on the kitchen table.

A little inaudible voice told him Lenny would be fine, she'd make a recovery. Because she is brave. As brave as a lioness. The little voice told him to try and move on, find someone new, start a new life with Lenny. She needed a mother, Dylan and Y/n both knew that. And that little voice gave him hope. Hope that he too would make it out of this.

And Y/n would watch over them,

from her bed in the stars.

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