The Cowboy (AU) (Dylan O'Brien)

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After Y/n arrives into town to kill the sherrif after he did some terrible shit, she soon realises someone bet her to it and a new sherrif is in town. Y/n must decide whether to kill him or not.

H/n means Horse's Name



She strode in on the paint horse like she owned the place. Whispers of news across town stated that she was here to take over.

But Y/n had other intentions. To kill the sherrif, then leave. She didn't care about the town, she just wanted that ass-hat six feet under.

She gently pulled her reins towards her making her horse stop outside the sheriff's home.

As she slid off H/n, she tugged the side rein off a hook on the saddle and led him/her to a railing, then tied him/her up.

He was surely inside the small building. She'd kill him silently and leave him there. After all, he had left her on the ground, bleeding out. Thank whoever that a woman was passing by in a wagon full of medical equipment. And thank whoever that she stopped to help.

She started up the small set of wooden stairs, stopping infront of the door before taking a breath and opening it quickly, gun raised to point of his head.

She stopped, gun raise mid air and pointing at a man who definitely wasn't the sherrif. He sat behind the desk, his gun raised the moment she had entered the room. He had brunette hair and looked as old as Y/n. His face held a look of defence but his eyes shone with curiosity. Y/n squinted slightly.

"Who are you?" They both asked simultaneously.

Y/n jerked her head slightly. "You first" she said.

"Put down the gun" He told her. He glanced at his revolver before looking at hers. "Together?"

Y/n nodded. The two proceeded to slowly lower their guns, putting them back in their holsters.

"Now, who are you?" She asked.

"My name's Dylan. What about you?" He asked, titling his head to the side slightly.

"Y/n. I'm here to kill the sherrif, so where is he?"

Dylan stood up. "Oh, he's already dead. I killed him after he harassed a woman last night" he answered as he walked around to the front of the desk, leaning back against it.

Y/n furrowed her brows. 'Well, atleast he's dead' she thought. "So, you're the new sherrif?"

Dylan nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, sorry you weren't there to see him die. But atleast you know that you got justice now that he's buried with the other demons of this town.

Y/n looked down then hummed. "Yeah, I would've loved to see the light leave his eyes" she muttered. "Well, if he's dead then I should be heading home" she said a little louder and walked towards the door.

She opened it, jogging down the stairs to her horse. He/she snorts a bit as Y/n un-ties him/her, then gets on.

She gathers her reins just as Dylan walks out of the house. "Wait, don't leave just yet. I want to know more about you" he rushed over to her.

Y/n furrowed her brows again. "Why?"

"Because I'm a decent human being" He said as if it was obvious.
"Let me take you to the bar. Catch a few drinks and I'll tell you all about how I killed Mickelson" he offered.

Y/n stared as him, wondering what his intentions were but agreed nonetheless.

The two spent the day walking around, chatting. Dylan was a kind sherrif, listening to everyone's problems before asking how he could help them. He truly was an amazing person.

Later, the two sat in the town's only bar. The place was crowded enough that Y/n could barely hear herself speak.

"This community is very helpful. Some helped beat the Mickelson while others watched and shouted at him. I guess they thought I was a good leader, because they offered me the role of sherrif. And, clearly, I took it" he told her, taking off his cowboy hat and placing it on the counter beside him.

"This town is more ruthless then I thought" Y/n said, looking around at the townspeople who were mostly drunk or dancing.

Dylan leant closer to her. "What? Sorry, I can't hear you" he shouted over the loud cheering and laughter.

"I said, this town is more ruthless then I thought!" She repeated louder.

Dylan smiled. "Oh yeah, I agree!"

"How long have you been here!?" She asked.

"A week! But I seem to be getting along with everyone here. Including you!" He replied.

"Yeah, I think you're a great sherrif! These people love you!" Y/n told him as she smiled.

"Does that include you!?" Dylan asked.

Y/n paused before nodding. "I guess it does!"

Dylan seemed to smile even more. His eyes shone with happiness making her heart beat faster. It was too early but she was sure she was quickly developing feelings for the man. And little did she know, he was too.

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