"A little," I whispered, stepping away from the sink so I can catch my breath.

"Sorry," he said lowly, the grin on his face indicating that he wasn't in fact sorry at all.

Joining Declan on the couch, I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat while I watched Declan scroll through a selection of kid's movies with the TV remote.

I don't know what to do about Levi. I like him, I do. And I am very attracted to him. But he's my boss.

My grandmother made it clear earlier that she supported the relationship should there ever be one, but I don't know.

Ever since Levi's confession last night, I wanted to jump his bones. But I didn't, because of the tiny voice in my head reminding me that this isn't a good idea.

I should be dating people my own age, and who isn't my boss. Like Zack. He asked me out again this morning and I've been thinking about taking him up on the offer.

The only reason why I haven't given him a response yet is because a part of me hasn't stopped thinking about what Levi said.

"He will never be able to make you happy like I can! Never!"

And as much as I've tried to push his words into the back of mind, I can't help but to wonder what kind of life he and I would have.

"What are we watching?" Levi asked, pulling me from my thoughts as he plopped down next to me on the couch.

"I don't know yet," I murmured, the butterflies in my stomach acting up again.

He was sitting so close, his arm resting on the rim of the couch's backrest and his legs slightly manspread apart.

Shifting into a criss-cross apple sauce position, I kept my head forward despite the urge to look down at the erection still resting against Levi's thigh.

Once Declan finally picked a movie, which of course had been his favorite movie- Finding Nemo, he set the remote down on the coffee table and climbed into the seat next to his father.

Cold air brushed my arms and legs, making me regret wearing these shorts and tee shirt. Grabbing the blanket from off the armrest to the right of me, I unfolded it and offered to share.

Getting comfortable under the warm blanket, we sat in silence while we watched Finding Nemo for what felt like the hundredth time since I became Declan's live-in Nanny.

Thirty minutes had passed, the only sound being heard from the movie playing on the large flat screen television.

By the time a full hour had passed, Declan had curled up into the fetal position and fallen asleep.

"We should probably call it a night," I whispered, peeling the blanket off my lap and standing up.

Picking up Declan, who had gone limp in my arms, I headed upstairs to put him to bed. After tucking him in, I went back downstairs to turn off the TV.

Levi was still sitting on the couch, unmoving as he watched me reach for the remote.

"It's not too late for us to watch another movie, you know."

"I'm tired," I lied, adding a forced yawn.

I was far from tired. I could probably stay up for a couple more movies. But I don't think either of us will be paying much attention to the movie.

Sexual tension is high and Levi is looking a little too good in his sea turtle pajamas.

Turning off the TV, I went to set the remote back down when Levi grabbed my wrist. I looked up and over at him, those beautiful eyes of his making my heart skip a beat.

"Watch a movie with me," he urged, determined to get me to stay up longer with him.

"But I'm tired," I lied again, biting my lip and averting my eyes.

"Look at me," he demanded. I looked back at him, biting my lip once more. His eyes trailed down to my mouth, before flickering back up to meet my eyes again. "I'd really like to bite that lip."

My cheeks pinkened, flushed by his words. He always knows just what to say to have me damn near melting.

"Levi," I breathed, "you can't keep saying things like that."

"Why?" The innocent look on his face reminded me of Declan. It was as if he truly didn't know what he was saying or doing was wrong.

"Because it's inappropriate," I answered honestly.

"So you want me to stop?"

"Yes. No. I... don't know," I admitted.

He let go of my wrist and leaned back on the couch. "Unlike the little boys you entertain, I'm a man who knows what he wants. And I want you. Every beautiful part of you."

I swallowed, my heart pounding. "But you can't want me, Levi. It's wrong."

"If it's wrong, then I never want to be right."

"But Levi-"

"Say my name one more time," he ground out gruffly, causing me to swallow a second time. I didn't know what he meant until he said, "I promise you that I will take you right here on this fucking couch."

"I-" I swiveled on my heel, speed walking towards the stairs. "It's getting late. You should probably sleep in your own room tonight. Goodnight."

When I made it to my bedroom, I closed the door, trying to catch the breath that Levi's words had knocked out of me. If I hadn't gotten out of there as quickly as I did... who knows what would've happened.

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