Jotaro : I..I'm sorry, just...don't leave me please.

His Stand understand the meaning, even if Jotaro will never admit it, Star Platinum is the only member of the crew left now, yes Joseph and Polnareff are alive, but they went back to their own country, Jotaro needs his Stand.

Jotaro didn't wanted to scream like that, he didn't wanted his Stand to notice how he feel, Star don't deserve this after everything he done for him. After a month, he thought that Star Platinum leaved him, abandoned him, because maybe Jotaro didn't needed him anymore, but he need him more that anything.

After the nightmare, he can't stop thinking, about the fact that Star didn't waked him up, about the fact that in Saudi Arabia, they all had nightmares like that, about the fact that "they" do not exist anymore, he wander why. Why Star didn't waked him ? Because Jotaro don't need him. Why he couldn't save his friends ? Because he wasn't there for them. Why is he alive and not the others ? He wanted to be dead, to be with the others, or at least die so they can live again.

Star Platinum : Jotaro !

Jotaro came out of his thoughts, shocked to hear Star's voice shooting another word that "Ora", he looked at his Stand with big eyes. Star Platinum reached a hand to whip away Jotaro's tears, he didn't even noticed that he was crying.

Star Platinum : "You're starting to have a panic attack, you need to calm down."

Jotaro : How can I calm down ?! And if you can talk to me use your voice god dammit !

Star Platinum : "It's new for me."

Jotaro : Not only for you !

Star Platinum : Just calm down please.

Hearing his voice, it's all he needed, and he can't believe that his Stand is talking.

Star Platinum : I learned how to talk during the month, that's why I didn't came out often.

Jotaro : Stop reading my mind.

Star Platinum : I don't read, I hear, and if I'm not allowed to hear I don't hear, that means that you allowed me to hear somehow.

Jotaro looked pissed off, he finished his cigarette and threw it outside, going back to look at the sky, he didn't calmed down, and even if he want the memories to stop coming, it's impossible.
He can't stop shacking.
He can't stop thinking.

He can't stop crying.

He can't breath.

Jotaro : "Help me..."

Without waiting another second, Star placed his hands on Jotaro's belly and hugged him, Jotaro notice that Star is shacking too.

Jotaro : W-why are...why are you feeling my emotions....?

Star Platinum : Because I'm also in pain Jotaro, I suffer just like you, I miss everyone, but tacking care of you is my priority, I may suffer, I don't care as long as you are fine.

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