The New Kids' A Player: Part Eleven. :)

Start from the beginning

“Zack’s dating BARBIE!” I hissed through the anger dripping tears.

“ASHLEY?!” she yelled in horror.

My hands clinched into fist at the sound of her name. “Yes!”

“I knew it.” she started patting my shoulder. “Of course he’d go for a cheerleader.”

“No!” I pushed her hand of. “He’s not like that! Someone did something to him! Something changed!”

She pulled me into a hug. “It’ll be okay.”

“Why would he…” then I realized. Barbie wouldn’t give a guy like Zack the time of day. Even if he was insanely hot. She’d always for the football players. So why Zack…?

I looked up at Jessica and she had the same expression as me. “Son of a bitch!” We yelled at the same time. I swear we’re the same person.

“Blake.” I hissed, wiping away my smudged eyeliner.

She nodded. “They do have common friends.”

“No, no. That's not it.” I pulled out my phone and hit speed dial ‘4’. “I’m calling Kyle.”

“Hello?” he said sleepily.

“Kyle, what did Blake do to Zack?”

“Shit.” I heard him yawn. “He uh…what time is it?”

“Four thirty. Why aren’t you at school?”

“Sick.” he choked out.

“Okay. Anyway. What did Blake do?”


“Tell me Kyle!” I yelled into the phone. I saw Jessica jump in shock.

He sighed. “Blake threatened him.”

“He what?!” I screamed. Okay, if I hated Blake before, I loathed him now. “Whole story Kyle. NOW!”

“I don’t know everything. Me and Rick backed off when Blake didn’t wanna listen. Ask Jared.” He started coughing.

“I can’t ask Jared! He doesn’t even talk to me!”

“Sorry. I gotta go. Talking hurts.” the line went dead.

“Damn it!” I banged my hand into the dashboard.

“Car!” Jessica hissed, slapping my arm.

“Sorry.” I muttered. “Blake threatened Zack.”

“Oh shit.” she leaned back in the seat. “What are we doing?”

“Killing Blake.”

She laughed. “Besides that.”

I looked at Jessica. “Drive.”

She turned the car on. “Where to?”

“Jared’s house. I need some information from him. But it might take a little…” I smirked at her.


She smiled and rolled her eyes. “Hoe.”

“I know you are.” I turned and look out the window only to see Zack getting in the car with Ashley. I rolled my eyes. Might be Blake’s doings too. Fuck it. Still pisses me off to see him with her. I turned up the cd Jessica was playing. Yes Kesha. Help me drown out the would with your drunken slurs.

“And now we lookin' like PIMPS! In my gold Trans-Am! Got a water bottle full of whiskey in my handbag! Got my drunk text on! I'll regret it in the morning‘! But tonight! I don't give a! I don't give a! I don‘t give a FUCK!”

Jessica sighed. “I know Heather. I know.”


Author’s Note: Short! >.< But At least I uploaded. Right? (: Deary me. I realized I did something wrong in the last chapter, and now I have to somehow fix it. Anyone else notice that Heather and Blake only went on one date? xD My bad. I took out a BIG chunk and forgot to fix that part. Oh well. I can make it work. Pleaseeeee don’t kill me about Zack and Ashley! :p

Okay you guys. 30 fans and counting! Really to much to copy and past all the names now. >.< But hey, you know I love you guys! And I love my readers! :D Okay, now time to Vomment (comment and vote) and fan! Love ya for reading! (:

                                                                                                               -Lexi Rain<3


I don't know if those are the right lyrics. xD

The New Kids' A Player (Unrevised Version)Where stories live. Discover now