After a few minutes, we finally came to my first period, which was Chemistry. I could practically feel the joy radiating off of Axel as he walked over towards his seat. I could barely see John, Axel, Bell, Dana and Willow as Axel approached them.

They were in this class, too?

Oh great.

"HOLY SHIT!" Lucas cried out first, his eyes wide. Axel smirked and set me down on the ground before pecking me on the cheek, his face flushed. The group looked at us with wide eyes before Lucas continued. "You guys are dating?!" He laughed before turning to John with a cheeky smile. "Told you. Now pay up." Lucas stuck out his hand.

"Ugh why am I even friends with you?" John growled before passing Lucas a 20$ bill as Dana, Bella and Willow started laughing.

"But, yeah, we are dating." Axel smiled sheepishly and shot Bella a knowing look. Bella nodded in reply, giving him the stink eye as she remembered what happened the morning she found out that they were dating. Dana shot Axel a glare, for Bella had told her what had happened.

" did we not know this earlier?" Willow raised an eyebrow and motioned towards her, John and Lucas. They all nodded in agreement.

"Uh...I...I forgot...?" I bit my lip and looked at them cautiously. John scoffed and rolled his eyes in reply.

"Sure, Inds. Thanks for keeping us close to your heart." John tried to hold down his smile.

"You know it." I winked at him playfully before engulfing him in a bear hug. John started choking and pushed me away quickly.

"Are you trying to get me killed by your boyfriend?!" John yelped and motioned towards Axel as we all fell into another fit of laughter.

"Wait. Boyfriend?" I heard a curious voice as Ale suddenly joined the conversation suddenly from out of no where. "Who's boyfriend?" She asked innocently, batting her eyes at Axel. Axel made a disgusted face and inched away from her slowly. I glared at Ale, she could never take a hint. "Really. Whos' boyfriend?" She asked again.

"My boyfriend." I deadpanned, looking at Ale with the most bored expression I could muster.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Stop joking India." Ale rolled her eyes, fingers playing with the ends of her hair. "No one wants to date a stupid emo looking bitch."

"Yeah but no one wants to date a makeup caked slutty bimbo either." I spat venomously and Ale's eyes widened.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" She screeched.

"Obviously a slutty bimbo." I raised an eyebrow. "I thought I already answered that question."

Ale scoffed harshly. "Oh you're such a badass, aren't you?"

"I didn't think my ass looked that bad.." I smirked before looking down at my behind. "I think it's quite fine if you asked me."

"That's not what I meant!!!" Ale screeched again and I started laughing crazily.

"Alright! That's enough, students, back into your seats!" The teacher walked into the classroom, and the voice level of the students dropped quickly. Everyone scrambled to find a seat. While Ale went to sit with Audrey in the front, me and my friends decided to sit in the back. Axel purposely decided to sit next to me.

"So, I hope you guys remembered about the New York trip." The teacher mused once the entire classroom was silent. "We leave tomorrow, 6:00 AM."

Oh yeah, the New York trip. I had completely forgot about that. The entire class will be going to New York for a week. I'm really excited, seeing as I'll be getting to go and spend a week in my dream city with my dream boyfriend.

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