~PART 1~

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"Mama, mama....
"O' my god what is it huns?"
"Mama...whats that iny-weeny tree over there?"
"Well, honey thats not really a tree"
"huh, what do you mean mommy?"
"Do you wanna hear a story?"
"Yes! yes, yes yes!"
                       Dec 13 1999
"Camillia! Come here, your little brother needs help with his Math homework,its submission is later today!Come on!"

"Geeezz, comin' there old man!"

Hi my names Camillia! And i live in Ohio, That old man i answered is not my grandpa k ? Well he just takes care of us! And my little brother... O- HEY

"Cami c'mon!!!!! I need your help !
Its important!"
" FOR GOD'S SAKE, be patient for once can you?"
".... S-sorry..."

"okay- im here now, jesus christ.."

"CAMILLIA. stop you are the oldest sister
You should be more mature"

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