Chapter 8

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*back at the house* Jalynns POV
I woke up and just thought in my bed. Wait, I'm basically cheating. I'm dating shane and Dahvie.

I texted shane.

J: hey I'm braking up with you. I already found somebody that is way better than you. He treats me like an angel. Bye. Won't miss you bitch.

He texted me about 5 minutes later
S: ok whatever fuck you. I was cheating on you anyways. And I will find you
J: you will never find me I'm protected. Fuck you have fun in hell ashole

With that I went downstairs to see Dahvie.

"Hey, I broke up with shane and he says he's going to find me so can you help me do something?" "Of course, what is it?" "Just come here" I said and he got up from the couch and he followed me. We went outside on the pavement. I handed Dahvie my phone.

"Like to do the honors?" "Of what braking your phone?" "yep he can track my phone If it's not broken, now smash it down and brake the son of the bitch" i said and he smashed it on the ground into a million little pieces. "Now you need to drive me to Taco Bell so I can drive my car to the store and you can go back home" I said. "No I'm going to follow you to the store he might be looking for you everywhere." Dahvie said. "Ok"

We got into the car and drove to Taco Bell. I got out of the car and got into mine. My car door was open and Dahvie had his arms crossed on top of it. "So your just going to follow me to the store?" "Yep-adoodles." "Ok, your so random." "I know" he said and got back in his car. I started off to Walmart.

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