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Jalynn: black hair, snake bites, eyebrow piercing, right nose piercing, a tattoo on upper right arm that says "don't want to be like you ~ Blood on the dance floor" loves the band botdf, and also likes lots of others but BOTDF is her favorite.
Nickname: Jay-Bird or Blue-Bird
Age: 22

Jayy: himself
Age: 24
Dahvie: himself
Age: 23
Shane Jack: black hair to the side, jalynns boyfriend, snake bites, 1 ear pierced, is a complete asshole and abusive to Jalynn.

Jalynns mom: she died when Jalynn was 5. Her dad became abusive after that.

Jalynns dad: ^^

Brianna: hates Jalynn because she says that because of Haven(next person) and made her "emo"

Haven: jalynns best friend. They tell everything to each other. Haven doesn't like dahvie but likes jayy but wouldn't date him well because he's gay and she doesn't like him that way. She has white bleached hair with a scene fringe and has the same piercings as Jalynn.
Age: 23

Black Roses (Dahvie Vanity fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz