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finally meet and befriend partly the loser's club:)

second person perspective btw.

You hold in your breath, final day  of school, though. Which means graduation. the week had gone by fast. "I'm so proud of you, honey, Your Mother said. "We'll be there for your graduation."

"Thanks Mom, You smile. "Love you." "Love you too, Your Mother replied. You got in your car. It should be a fairly easy day today. Your exams were done, so you didn't have much else to do.

Exams sucked. And in High school, you no longer have fun days like you did in elementary. You've accepted that fact.

You got to school and began walking over when you see the bower's gang, picking on a group of boys. "Hey! You snap, their heads turning to you. And their victims.

"Leave them alone! You added. Henry smirked, then said to the boys, "You got lucky." They soon leave. You sigh of relief, they actually listened for once.

"t-thanks, one of them said, blush across their face. "mhm, what's your name? You ask sweetly. "B-Bill, He replies. They looked around your age.

"What's their names? You ask Bill. "Uh, R-Richie, S-Stan, and E-Eddie, Bill explained. "Nice, You smile. You talked more than you ever had in a while. That was new.

But they didn't seem like they'd judge you, and it seemed like they only had each other. "Why did they made fun of you? You ask, curiously. Bill replied,"M-My S-Stutter." "They're fucking creeps, so really, have no room to judge."

Richie smirked. "Wow, didn't know you cursed." Stan hits his shoulder. "Richie! Seriously, this might be why you don't get girls." Eddie rolls his eyes. You chuckled. "I'll pretend i uh, didn't hear that. We should be friends."

"I-I w-would l-like that."

- -

School flew by. You prepared for graduation. You couldn't believe this day had finally came. You dreamed of finishing school since Freshman year, but now, you would finally be free from school. For now. You had one more summer before University, which would not be in Derry.

You inhale, then exhale. Of course, you would go in front of everyone to get your diploma. Not very scary, but still nervous. You would be brief, so you would be fine. You arrive. You were more cheerful.

Knowing, you could get out of derry. You learned Henry's last name was Bowers, hence why his gang was called Bower's gang. and of course, his father was a cop. Made so much sense now why nothing had been done. Or his father had no idea. But either way, you weren't very surprised.

You calm yourself down, following the others, sitting down while speeches were done. You were more excited, because school would be over. No more, next year, no more, annoying kids or people. You were done with High School.

You stepped up and got your diploma. Your Mother was proud. Her eyes filled with tears. You saw her and give her a warm smile. You wanted to make her proud and you did. A success in your eyes.

You weren't a bad kid by any means but you weren't perfect either. You had your own flaws. You met up with your mother.

"I'm so proud of you, Y/N! Your Mother said. Your Father hugging you too. "You did so good, Kiddo." "I just got a diploma, You chuckled. "I mean with school, you worked so hard, now you're here, Your Father said.

You grin. He was right. You worked very hard. Now, your hard work paid off. You got home and just laid down on your bed. Summer had finally began. At least for you, anyway. Other grades such as freshman, sophomores and juniors didn't get off until a week after.

So, an advantage of being a senior in a way. You plop down in front of the TV which was in your room. You had your own. Your parents made a lot of money, well decently anyway. There wasn't much on TV, though. Around your walls of your bedroom were drawings you made.

So, you grabbed your sketchbook, and began drawing. You liked drawing. You were considering going to art school, though, you knew your family would have wanted something more practical.

So you might just do it their way. You sigh. You stopped when you hear noises. "Mom? You say. You had a really bad feeling. Your gut was never wrong. So you go downstairs.


your mother's voice seemed off. you knew, something was different. her tone? but you knew, this did not belong to her.

You go downstairs and see a note from your mother. And in the living room, was an extremely tall clown, his eyes an inhumane yellow color.

His grin sent shills down your spine. "What the hell? You exclaim, trying to run but the clown got close to you.

"I'm Pennywise, the Dancing Clown! The clown giggled.

"Oh hell no."

You manage to run, Pennywise giggling behind you. You probably wouldn't be free for long. Or alive. "Come here, Y/n, Pennywise said, in your mother's voice. "Fuck you! You spit out.

You never were scared of clowns. Maybe disturbed, but nothing more. And you grew even more scared of this clown. You figured that, it might not even be an actual clown.

Was there any specific evidence of that? No. But the ability to mimic your mother was all that you needed to believe that. You throw something in his way. Soon, Pennywise vanished. You knew he would come back.

But you had no fear he could feed off on, visible fear, anyway. You pant, wondering what the hell just happened. You didn't want to believe it. Logically why would you believe it?

Nobody else in Derry had reported a clown. But that also didn't mean it didn't happen. Adults here seemed to witness things but not say shit at all. That wasn't good. Yet, you couldn't do anything about it.

who would believe a kid? 

You Clean up the mess. Your Mother would freak seeing a mess, so you cleaned up. You ended up back in your room. Wondering, if you were going insane or not. 

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