Even after all these months, the memories of that night were still incredibly blurry to me. I still remember getting a text from my father in the middle of the chaos, saying he was trapped on one of the floors after a PTSD episode following the explosion. However, my father still insists that he left his phone at home that day, making it quite impossible for him to text me such a thing.

    One minute I was in a frantic rush looking for him, and the next, I woke up in a hospital room with an incredible amount of pain all over my body.

    "Are you nervous?" Zee questioned curiously.

    I thought about it for a second before laughing softly. "Nervous? Of course not. It's not my first date with him, Zee.

    "It might not be your first, but it's your first date in months. You have to admit you are a little out of practice." Marjan added.

    Such supportive friends they were. They were here to make sure I wouldn't make a fool out of myself, but instead, they were making me nervous now that I thought about it.

    Daisy sat up straight on the sofa and looked at me with a serious look. "Remember, tonight, keep your legs closed. Make him suffer a little for a couple of more dates. After that, you can rock his world."

    "Geez, is she always like this?" Marj wondered, sounding taken aback by Daisy's bluntness. A bluntness Theo and I unfortunately had to witness together during my birthday a while back.

  I shook my head at my friends as they went to argue between themselves about how tipsy Daisy actually was.

    Even though I was quite grateful to be around them and have their company, I still felt incredibly empty and lost,  but that was something I was not about to dump on them when the both of them were in such good moods.

    Forcing a smile on my face, I eyed the bottle of wine sitting on the middle of my coffee table. Temptation started to creep its way inside my brain telling me to take a quick gulp, but some part of me fought hard against the urge.

    "I'm sorry I have to leave you with this weirdo, but I have to finish running my errands. Don't forget to fill me in with the details, Miller!" Marjan said, making me look away from the tempting alcoholic drink.

    Daisy clumsily waved a hand in the air. "There won't be any details because she will be a total lady tonight. She can be a freak in the sheets after making him suffer for a little."

    "Aggs, do the world a favor and take that bottle away from her. She's one of those dirty drunks." Marjan shook her head, but the amused look on her face contradicted her disapproving tone. "Love you girls. Bye!"

  Marjan ended the call, leaving Daisy and me alone. The blonde sat up straight on the sofa, looking intensely at me. The bubbly persona she had just a couple of seconds ago left and was now replaced with a serious version of her.

"Agatha, you would tell me if you weren't doing okay, right?" She asked, suddenly sounding all sobered up.

I looked at my concerned friend. Since practically having my encounter with death months ago, everyone has been overprotective of me. At first, I was okay with it because I was aware of how it felt to lose a friend, but it was starting to get on my last nerves. It sounded horrible and quite unlike me, but I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

I wanted everyone to stop saying they were worried about me or how they had noticed how much I had changed since the incident. Only Evan, my dad, and my uncle were aware of why I was behaving as I had been and what I was going through, and I wanted to keep it that way. The explosion and the lack of memory about what really happened that day have done quite a number on me.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora