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Picture is not mine its iizuumi on twitter (i think thats how you spell it) they make so much awesome oikage/iwaoikage/iwakage art they are awesome but anyways heres this hope you enjoy!
Before this starts in thus story everybody gos to karasuno because its easier for me to write but i hope you dont hate it

3rd person POV

Kageyama woke up on his creeky bed feeling horrible. All his mussles hurt. Yesterday he went forewheeling with his best friend kyle who hes been friends with since 2nd grade. He got yelled at when he got home because he was late.

He looked over at his alarm clock and it read 5:40am. He hesitantly got out of bed feeling his muscles ache as he did. He grabbed his towel and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He walked into the bathroom and locked the door then hung his towel on the rack thing and opened the shower curtain and turned on equal amounts of hot and cold water then turned the shower part on. Kageyama undressed and staps into the tub closing the curtain behind him.

He stood staring at the bottom of the tub zoning out for a while with the water hitting the back of his head. He snapped out of it and started rubbing shampoo into his hair then ketting the water run over his head washing out the shampoo then repeated those motions for the conditioner. He grabs his sponge and squirts bodywash on it and rubs it in. He then coats his body with it cleaning himself then washes it off. He turns off the water and staps out grabbing his towel drying his hair first then stopping the dripping water from dripping off of himself.

He walks back into his room and rummages trough his drawers trying to find his uniform. He looks in the closet and finds it putting it on. He slips on some socks and the his shoes and collects his thing to put in his school bag then swings it over his shoulder. He looks at his alarm clock once again, it reading 6:27am. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen grabing a little something to eat for breakfast.

He walks out the door and starts his walk to school. He walks by house and house until he sees his school up ahead. He continues to walk and sees his boyfriends waiting for him at the gates.

"hey tobio" iwaizumi then give tobio a kiss on the cheek

"Good morning tobio-chan!" Then oikawa also places a kiss on his oher ckeek


"You okay tobio-chan?"

"Yeah, just sore"

"You should have stayed home then"

Tobio POV

"I cant" i replied and walked past them walking toward the building. They hurried up and chased after me walking on either side of me in silence until we got into the cafeteria. We sat down at a table and i just put my head down and closed my eyes. We sat at a table with atsumu, osamu, suna, sakusa , ushijima and tendou. They were having their normal conversations when the bell rang then we all got up and walked to our homerooms.

I sat in my homeroom wih my head diwn trying to relax and get some sleep before 1st period but my class is too loud and i just sat the putting my head down uncomfortably. After what felt like forever the bell finally rang and it was time for 1st period. I walked out of my homeroom and met up with my boyfriends and walking to our own 1st periods.

+Time skip brought to you by me watching ghost adventures+

It was now lunch, i barely got by the first 5 classes. I was sat at a table with my boyfriends and the same people as this morning. I couldnt push myself to eat i hurt so much and my tiredness isnt helping at all.

"Hey why arent you eating tobs?"


"Thats not and answer tobio-chan"

"Im tired, and in pain"

"Do you want me to feed you tobio-chan?"

"No... I'll eat when i get home.."


They go back to eating and when theyre finally done we all go to dump our trays and walk to the gym, where oikawa and atsumu go to play volleyball. I sit on the bleachers with everyone else leaning on iwaizumis shoulder trying to ease my headache from all the loud noises. Time went as slow as the earth rotates around the sun. Yes. It felt like a whole fucking year. Then everybody retreated to the bleachers, oikawa sitting behind me.

The teachers start dismissing the bleachers and everyone starts going to their 6th periods, me sakusa, oikawa, and kunimi have the same 6th period. We walked into our social studies class and sat down. I look at the board while i write down the bellringer and i see that we have a quiz today. Great. I forgot about the quiz. U finish the bellringer and put my school bag at the front of the class and put my phone in the phone pockets up front.

After the test i was sure i failed, i put my head down and finally went to sleep. well that was short lived as i was only able to get around 15 minutes of sleep when i was woken up to gwt my stuff before the bell rang. I walked up front and got my bag and my phone and as i did the bell rang so i walked out the door and met up with hajime as tooru came from the class and we all walked to our separate last classes.

After our last class we got out of school and started walking home. I was walking with my boyfriends

"Hey tobio, do you wanna stay at my house tonight?"

"Yeah you should tobio-chan!!"



Tooru then picked me up and started running to Hajimes house.

"Tooru! Put me down!"

"Nuh uh"

I sigh excepting that hes not gonna put me down any time soon. Eventualy he arives there with hajime running behind us and hits tooru in the back of the head.

"Owww meanie iwa-chan"

"Shut up shittykawa, and move if you want to go inside"

Tooru moves aside to let hajime unlock the door to let us in. We walking take our shoes off and i automaticaly go up the stairs and into hajimes room. I set down my school bag as they walk in the door and i lift up the covers and lay in his bed.

"You still tired?"

"...yeah......good night"

I didnt get a respons but instead i feel both sides of the bed sink in, letting me know that they were laying on either side of me.

"Good night tobio-chan" i feel a kiss on the back of my head and then one on my forehead

"Good night tobio"

"Good night.."


Word count. 1170

I thought this one was gonna be short since i was working on it throughout different parts of the day. I dont know if its good but i hope you enjoyed

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