Wrath of the Fallen

Start from the beginning

"Indeed it is." Samuel said.

"Looks like the Sirens are up to something." Kei added.

"I concur... I've got a bad feeling about this." Robin stated.

"Prez, take a picture of that portal." Alexandra requested.

"Got it." Robin pulled out a camera and took a photo as she was told.

Suddenly, thousands of ships of various classes emerged from the water, catching them off guard, their guns already trained onto the squadron that was completely exposed.

Alexandra gasped in shock upon seeing the massive numbers of the hostile fleet. "Shit! Break! Break!"

Everyone went for evasive maneuvers, but it was too late. A hail of plasma rounds went towards the planes mercilessly, not showing any signs of stopping, throwing the previously synchronized pilots into disarray.


"We're hit! We're hit!" Samuel shouted. "The left engine's hit!"

In response, Alvin turned off the said engine, leaving only the right as he struggled to control the Tomcat.

"Goddammit!" Alexandra cursed.

"Oka Nieba to Razgriz! What the hell is going on down there?! Why did I get so many goddamn blips out of nowhere?!" Oka Nieba contacted, distressed and worried for the squadron.

"They ambushed us! Those motherfuckers ambushed us!" Alexnadra replied, grunting through the positive and negative G's as she continued doing evasive maneuvers.

On the controls, Oka Nieba nervously taps his pen against the desk, looking at the radar with dread. "Dammit... To think that we would be cornered like this... Razgriz, get out of the combat zone immediately!"

"We're trying!" Hans replied, slowly loosing his composure under the stress. Soon, the right wing of his plane had been torn apart by plasma, and his right engine got also hit. "Shit, we're hit!"

"We lost a wing!" Samantha shouted. "Engine 2 on fire!"

Hans's F-14 entered a flat spin, followed by a series of alarms blasting on his ear. He struggles to regain control of the plane, but he continues to fight for his and Samantha's life.

After a lot of effort, he manages to regain control of the plane, but they can't control it properly now because of the damage they recieved. Like Alvin did earlier, he turned off the damaged engine and left the fucntional one running.

"All of you, go higher! Move!" Alexandra ordered.

"I can't!" Hans replied.

Alexandra looked over to her wingman, only to see the worst situation one could possibly experience. The others had already gone higher, leaving only her and Hans. They're getting too low, and they plasma barrages are inching closer to them. They need to regain altitude fast! But how? With that battered plane, it was a surprise that it was still flying.

"Maybe..." Alexandra mumbled upon getting an idea. "That could work... Razgriz 5, lower down your tail hook."

"What? Why?" Hans asked in confusion, until he got a hint of what she's planning to do. "I see. Roger that, Razgriz 1."

"Wait, are you planning to use Pardo's Push on him, don't you?" Robin inquired.

"We have no choice." Alexandra responded.

Lowering his tailhook, Hans maneuvered his plane as steady as he can, all the while ignoring the heavy anti-air barrage that were thrown towards them.

Alexandra slipped her plane in behind the battered Tomcat, matching its speed, slowly inching the front glass of her canopy, until it made contact with the hook. It was a maneuver that had been used by Captain Bob Pardo to help Captain Earl Aman's F-4 Phamtom II to fly for as long it can back in the Vietnam War.

Azur Lane: Shattered Skies (Azur Lane x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now