BOCDHS: 7:15 A.M. Faculty Front Lawn.

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Massie Block stared at the sky, impatiently awaited her friends arrival. This school year was going to be all about them and their boys. "Over there is that her?" Kristen's uneasy first-day-of-school voice rang out from the crowd. Massie turned around to face the familiar voice "EHMAGAWD!! IT IS" Alicia fast walked toward her with Kristen Dylan and Claire behind her. They enveloped her in a group hug and squealed with delight. Massie reglossed her already glossed lips and smiled at them. "We missed you so much" Claire spoke at last, breaking the silence. Massie shot Claire a "I know what you mean" glance and turned to her trusted beta: Alicia. "This school year is gonna fly by especially with all the new clothes we got" Alicia said as if on cue. Kristen rolled her eyes and exchanged a "Must be nice to have money" look with Claire. "Easy for you to say" Claire injected "I had to use hand me downs from my cousins and friends in Orlando" beta and alpha giggled and Claire looked down. Kristen and Dylan placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Can we go inside now? I don't want to be late on the first day" Kristen whined and Massie rolled her eyes. Gawd why did Kris have to be such a "good student type" "Kris are you Layne?" Kristen looked up and shook her head "No" "Cause your acting like a real LBR" Massie exchanged high fives with Dylan and Alicia but Claire held back, it wasn't funny to pick on Kristen, especially when it came to school, after all Kris was here on a scholarship. Kristen looked hurt but shook it off. Claire smiled softly at her to let her know she was on her side. "Come awn" Kristen urged "we're not in middle school anymore. This is high school, we have to take this seriously" Massie mouthed "buzzkill" to the girls and Leesh burst out into crazy laughter, which only hurt Kristen and Claire even more. After a final regloss Massie sighed "Fine but only for you Kris" Massie linked arms with Claire and Alicia while Leesh hooked with Dyl and Dyl hooked with Kristen. "The song were walking to is "Your gonna miss me when I'm gone- Anna Kendrick" Massie said "Which part?" Leesh asked. "Your gonna miss me by my hair you'll miss me everywhere. I'll count you in. A five six seven eight" the girls walked into the main building all smiles. No one turned at first but with each passing second some jealous girl would turn to look at them. "OMG look at her sweater, it's so chic" A girl in cute girly pigtails gushed pointing at Massie. A friend of hers looked over at the five girls "who the brunette?" asked the girl in black glasses. Pigtails shook her head "no the blonde next to her. I totally want to know where she got it" a few other girls glanced in Claire's direction and gushed over her outfit. Massie began to wonder if Claire had changed before they walked in but she couldn't have cause when Massie glanced over her shoulder at Claire, who was blushing, what she saw was all completely Claire. She insisted on wearing her cousins clothes the first day back instead of borrowing something from Massie. The more girls turned to look at Claire the more Massie began to hate the attention Claire was getting. It just wasn't fair, how could someone be jealous of hand me down clothes and not store bought new school clothes? It just didn't add up. Massie made a mental state of the Union. "In: Cousin hand me downs, Claire. Out: New clothes, Claire"

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