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8:00pm Atlanta,GALaylani Miller

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Laylani Miller

LAYLANI rolled her lips around the blunt slowly, tired from her long day.

She glanced out the window of her home sighing watching the rain trickled down the window

"Love Jones" was blasting on her flatscreen tv

This was one of her favorites, not because of the love
But the poetics of her people

"Mmm that damn Darius Lovehall would of had me bent over that first night" Lay shook her head giggling at her outburst

She got done rolling her spliff and sat back against her headboard letting Darius's smooth words rub her ears

Lighting her blunt, she feels her phone vibrate

"call from diora the whora" Siri read

Lay rolled her eyes with a snort when she heard the name

She answered the FaceTime called with a snarl

"WHAT do you want Johnson" Lay made a stank face at the camera

"Ummm first of all ma'am don't hate me cause I'm beautiful" Dior rolled his necked and his eyes

Laylani giggled at his antics

"Seriously what do you want Dior" She questioned knitting her eyebrows together

Dior licked his lips admiring the girl in front of him

"Boy boo, tell me what you want" Laylani glared at the teenager

"People graduate from college at 16 and don't know how to act" He rolled his eyes and laughed at her expression

Laylani was beyond intelligent, the girl was a genius

Beating all the odds of the stereotypes on black women

"Ain't you still in highschool" She asked already knowing the answer

Dior put his head down feeling defeated


Dior then turned the camera to his toes, wiggling them which made Lay scrunch her face up

"Boy you just called me to play" Lay laughed at his oddly shaped toes

"No no seriously, you should come visit me in Cali" Dior smiled wide at his virtual Bestfriend

Laylani and Dior met on the game "Among-us" during quarantine 2020

They immediately started teaming up on the game and exchanged socials when they both got tired of the game

Ever since then, their friendship has been going on for the past year and a half

"Hmm I don't know Dior, I know your birthday is coming up" Lay shuffled around to turn a light on

She sat her phone up so Dior could see better

She sat her phone up so Dior could see better

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She looked at the camera, to admire herself

"Yeah and I'm turning 18, you've got to be there" He pleaded

Laylani grinned at her friend, with the idea of her surprising him

"I don't think I can make it Dior, you know the airports are backed up for the holidays" She held a frown on her face

(Laylani is 18 and Dior is 17 this is the end of 2021)

Dior face dropped and he nodded his head

"Ok bestie" Dior sighed then smiled

"Imma call you tomorrow and you can help me at least plan it" He suggested

"I would love to tootie" Lay teased him with a smile


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