Rendezvous II

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After reading through the contract, Nathan was pretty satisfied it benefitted both sides.
The last part made him smile, it states that as long as both parties aren't willing.
Their intimacy is limited to holding hands......hmm

Nathan signed and passed it back to Corrine who also signed below her name. " Nathan passed her an engagement ring........Corrine stared at it absent mindedly before accepting it.
Somehow she still hope for a romantic gesture, Luke a flower to accompany the ring.

She hesitated a bit before placing it in her bag. This made Nathan stare at her but she didn't seem to care, so he just ignored it he was actually about to slide it on his fingers but now decided to just place it in his pocket.
Nathan wondered if she was going to wear it at all.

" Maybe she feels offended that she got an engagement ring without a proper proposal.....every lady would normally look forward to a decent proposal at least" this thought made him feel a little bad and so he decided he would compensate her in another way.

Desert came in it was a chocolate cake, they ate in silence.
Nathan walked her to her car where they exchanged numbers before Nathan bid her goodnight.

Since it was publicly known that Corrine was engaged to Nathan her life has been so hectic, they had so many interviews and at present she was dressing up for a cocktail party they were attending as a couple.

She just came out of the closet with a long black sleeveless gown which had a v neckline, when she heard the bell ring.
She waited for a while hoping someone would answer the door, but the bell was still ringing. She groaned as she went downstairs to answer the door.

" Good day ma'am" a delivery guy greeted her, she replied lazily.
" I have a package for a Corrine Knight" he said checking the package again
Corrine stood upright, she wasn't expecting any package was she?

" That's me" she gave him a curt smile, she sighed for it and collected it.
She tore the package in her room and brought out a burgundy long sleeved gown, it has a low back and was matched with a silver heel.

As she brought it the heels out of the box, a small paper dropped. " I'm not imposing but I'd really appreciate it if you wore this dress" signed Nathan
She was conflicted should she wear the dress he sent or the one she decided on earlier.
Though she had to admit the gown was beautiful. Why deliberate over it, "he has good intentions and was not forcing me to wear it, don't have any reason not to wear it l" she spoke to herself as she continuously checked out the dress with a smile.

After dressing up in Nathan's gift, she pinned her into a pin pop style.
She sat down on the bed to try on the silver heels and wow they were just the right size. " I'm impressed" she muttered to her self again .

She had on a tear drop like crystal necklace and matching earrings. Patted a bit of powder on her face and added a lip gloss on her lips. Checking out herself in front of the mirror ' perfect' she complimented herself.
Lastly she wore the engagement ring and looked up at the clock it was 7:25 and Nathan was supposed to pick her up at 7:30

So she sat down to browse through her phone, the event they would be attending tonight was already on the news and a picture of Nathan holding her when they went for a "Gala" together.
The headline was " This couple are getting real, should we expect a marriage soon?"

" Marriage " she shivered at the thought
She didn't have the chance to think much about it before the bell rang.

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