FOUR. the "little" prince

Start from the beginning

"Can you even afford to give her dinner?" Raven questioned.

"Just a gave you one of my chicken strips doesn't mean I can't afford to give her a nice dinner."

"So, you gave me a chicken strip and you're going to give her a luxury dinner?"

"Are you jealous?" Zack questioned, "I smell jealousy."

"I'm surprised you can smell anything with how many piles of dirty clothes you've got stacked on the floor."

Raven stepped away, bickering with him wouldn't get her anywhere especially when he constantly brought up jealousy in every conversation they had since they met.

The bickering grew from Zack and Raven to an argument between Mr. Mosbey, London, Zack, and Cody while Bailey tried dying it down.

"I'm here!"

Raven turned and saw a blonde girl heading down the steps.

"Are you Maddie?" Raven asked.

"Yeah." She smiled, "You must be Raven."

Maddie stuck her hand out for Raven to shake and she only looked down at it before turning away from her and sitting in a chair close by.

She watched as Maddie shook the interaction away and tried to get the group's attention. She finally received it and one by one talked to the others until she landed on Zack.

"Hey, sweet thang." He smiled, "How about some sugar?"

Raven gagged loudly and Zack turned towards her with knitted brows.

"Sorry." She apologized, "The smell try and your sandwich really hit me."

Zack squinted his eyes and shook his head ever so slightly before turning his attention back towards Maddie with his arms wide open.

And as soon as Maddie was about to accept the hug, Zack stepped back and rushed towards the hot tub and threw up in it. Once he finished he came back with his arms opened and awaiting his hug.

"I think I'll pass." Maddie said.

Raven stood and smiled, "That was glorious. Thank you for providing that embarrassment for me."

THE NEXT day the group had arrived on Lichtenstamp and we're currently viewing the castle. It held a very rich and old vibe that reminded Raven of herself. Except she wasn't rich or old.

She walked into the castle and her hand brushed against the old cement walls.

"Woah, nice coat of arms." Zack approached, but turning back around when Maddie caught his eye, "Speaking of arms, I should could used that hello hug and kiss right about now."

Maddie smiled, stretching her arms out and just as Zack did the same, a man stood in between the two with a large horn and blew it with pride.

Raven smiled, "This is wonderful."

"Hear ye, hear ye." The man said, "I bring a message from the Prince of Lichtenstamp."

"And who are you?" Zack asked.

"I am the Prince's herald, Harold. Yes, yes, I'm a herald named Harold. My brother Taylor is a tailor. It's very funny. Anyhoo, I'm here to announce that his royal highness spotted you from his tower, and was taken with you beauty."

"Well, not a surprise," London smiled, "but still, I'm honored."

"Not you. Her." He said, pointing towards Maddie.

"Me? The prince thinks I look beautiful?" Maddie questioned.

"Wow, that must be one tall tower." London scoffed.

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