9. Bree has cancer.

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We were all watching a video in Biology class about animals doing who knows what. 

I didn't even know what the hell we were even watching, because I wasn't paying attention throughout the whole video.

I would only watch clips here and there.

 It was kind of disturbing though, and I was kind of cringing during the video. 

Then, the door opened.

"Rachel Fairchild. You're under arrest for the murders of Megan Mcvey, Oliver Hayden, and detective Sean Payton," Devon's mom said.

"What?!" Miss Fairchild said in disbelief.

The class was in shock.

I couldn't tell if it was her or not, it surely was confusing. 

I didn't remember Miss Fairchild being at any of the locations where the three were murdered.

"Mom! She didn't do it," Devon defended Miss Fairchild.

"Hold your voice. Devon, how do you know if she did it or not?" Detective Evans questioned.

"I just know. Please, trust me mom."

"Hm. We'll talk about it later. Right now is not the time."

Then, the bell rang, meaning first period just ended and you should get ready for 2nd period in 5 minutes.

After getting my things, Junior grabs my hand and we rush out of the classroom, people following behind.

"Who do you think did it?" Junior questioned me.

"I may sound really crazy, but Chucky does sound like a reasonable suspect," I answered.

"Oh not you too, babe," Junior said.

"Who else could've done it?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Miss Fairchild? I don't know," Junior answered.



Junior's POV

"I have some news," My mom started out.

"Mom, I have some too.."

"You can go first."

"I don't want you to get mad at me, but I have a girlfriend. We've been dating for a bit now. Their name is Y/n. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

"Oh, honey. I already knew you two were dating. I saw you two sleeping together in bed, which made me think you two were together, and also that you slipped out the word "girlfriend", during dinner that same night. Also, your father, and Y/n's parents know. We're all happy about it. But, now I have to share my news I guess. I'm sorry."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'm sick," She responded and tears started forming in her eyes.

"Sick..?" I didn't fully get what she meant.

"It's cancer," She continued.

Once she said that, I felt like my life tore apart. I can't lose my mom.

"Your going to be okay right..?" I asked.

"Come here.."

I hugged my mom tightly and started crying.

I just couldn't believe it. She has cancer. 

That was her "secret".

I wished she told us sooner.

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