Entry 2. The guy

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May 13th, 2018

I didn't think she would take it literally.

She walked with me to her school just down the block from her house. She gave me her father's shoes that didn't quite fit me well, but they allowed me to walk without having to scrape my feet. She also gave me a white eyepatch for whatever reason. She said the mark on my eye was uncanny and would attract a lot of unnecessary attention that we didn't want. At least with the patch, it would be easy to say I had an unusual disease.

"We need to think of a name for you," she said, placing her hand on her chin. "How about...uh...Nemo? The one without a name?"

"That'll work. It seems right," I replied.


It rolled off my tongue well. I could get used to the name. But the one name I don't want to get used to is calling her, "the lady." We might be here a while. I want to learn her name. It would be the right thing to do so that I might get to know her better. Know the person who summoned me.

"What should I call you then?" I asked. She looked at me in a strange way. She changed her makeup into a more red color palette, but her dark red lips stayed the same hue as I remember then, just much more glossier. "Your...title?"

She laughed before she said, "It's Eleanor. My title? Miss. Miss Huntsman. Not married at all. Now, let's see what we can do about you going to school with me."


"I'm sorry Ms. Huntsman," the secretary said, looking at Eleanor's student paper. He had looked through all of the family history already, along with her file numerous times, and Eleanor had already tried to haggle with the man to let me in for one day. Yet, she gave in anyway because she didn't want to get her parents involved in any way shape or form. The secretary looked at her as he placed the files down. "But there's nothing I can do until your parents fill out the forms required for us. They can find them online, but otherwise, Nemo is just going to have to wait one more day. Does he have a ride?"

Eleanor seemed to struggle with the answer until I intervened, saying, "Yeah, I do. It's no issue."

Eleanor sighed a breath of relief before she said, "Thank you for your time."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't help you further," The secretary folded his hands before we left, and as we closed the door on our way out, I heard him get up and mutter something along the lines of hating his job and the kids around this area. Eleanor didn't seem to hear him, which was a good thing in my book.

"So now what?" Eleanor asked, folding her arms. She looked down and tapped her toes, and her eyebrows tilted downwards as she frowned. "I can't leave you alone, and I can't let my parents know I'm hosting a demon. They'll kick me out of the house! How can I trust you to not burn down the school?"

"You can't," I placed it bluntly. "As a matter of fact I can't trust myself either. I don't know how to control anything. But I'm sure the school garden shouldn't be a bad place to hide away."

Eleanor looked at me as if I had said a forbidden word, and shakily asked, "How did you know we have a garden?"

"It just seems like the type of school to have one," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

I just felt it in my core. I knew there was something full of flowers around here, the auroma pointed to it and the size of the building implied it. I don't remember much about school, I do know I didn't enjoy it much. There was a familiar feeling in this school as well, there was something about it that made me queasy. Somehow, in some way, this school was the key to figuring out who I was.

"Well, okay. I'll trust you. Not like I have a choice anyway," Eleanor pouted and looked down. I'll see you later, okay? Together we can fill out the papers needed for you to get into here."

"Sounds good to me. I'll catch you later," I said. "And if I see your ex...well, I'll figure it out if I get there." She nodded in reply and suddenly she sprinted off to her next class. Her tennis shoes hit the floor hard as she ran, and it echoed through the entire wing, but it seemed like she did not care in the slightest. I walked off to where I thought the garden could be located. In the back of the wing, outside the double doors.

It turned out that I was correct. The garden was medium sized, decent for a school garden. Flowers were blooming in the May sun, their colors were vibrant and lively. A few bushes were also planted, along with a small bushel of berries. A few feet away from me was a picnic table that had an energy drink that was opened and left there, and a few pieces of trash lay on the table as well. Ants were crawling onto the trash, investigating the sweet crumbs left there. Overall, the area was very peaceful, and I found it to be like a second house. I sat down on the ledge of the large planters and took a breath. It wouldn't be long before Eleanor came back to see me again.

If I would have known what had happened, I would have been able to record it properly. But it happened extremely spontaneously. Hours had passed. It must have been somewhere around lunchtime. A few students came out to eat, and I had to stand outside of everyone's line of sight to observe everyone around. They looked fine in general; they were laughing and they were being silly while away from the teacher's line of sight. However, through the double doors, a supposed couple came into the scene and walked off to the side as well. The other students at the picnic table didn't even notice them. The man looked furious as he dragged his mother to the side, who looked to be on the verge of crying.

"Listen," he said in a harsh voice. The man looked a lot like Jeremiah Heitz, and Eleana's description matched his behavior. "I said to not talk unless you were spoken to! So why did you feel the need to enter my conversation?"

The girl didn't answer. She only whimpered. She probably muttered something, but I wasn't able to pick it up coherently.

The man scoffed and said, "One more move like that and I won't be able to keep you around anymore."

"No!" She pleaded. She grabbed onto his letterman's jacket and pulled him closer to her. "I can't bear to lose my reputation! If the girls find out about this, they'll make my life miserable! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again!"

He smiled at this sudden yet emotional response, and pulled her into a hug, saying, "Ah, I can't stay mad at you. Just make sure to shut your big mouth, alright?" She nodded as she sniffled her worries away.

"Everyone left me, made a fool of me. I have nothing left," Eleana said.

This was the man I was looking for. This was the man Eleana said couldn't be walking anymore. His scent was sweet, like mahogany wood mixed with other natural scents. I could smell him all the way from over here. The lady on the other hand, didn't smell as nice. Even if I didn't feel sympathetic towards her, I wouldn't touch her in any way because I simply wasn't interested.

The students on the other side didn't even bat an eye at the others, it was like these two were only background characters. It was like nobody else heard their loud conversation, nobody else knew they had existed for any period of time. It was odd to see something that happened so often from a third party perspective.

I had to find a way to get Jeremiah alone to speak with him. Maybe to bite his neck like I want to, I don't know, but I have to find a way to turn him into a corpse.

My chances all lie within Eleana's grasps.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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